Horoscope for January 2014 for Cancer
Cancer January 2014 is finance month as the Sun move in your house of resources. You might be financially rewarded for work that you do. Be generous with those in need if you do come into extra money during January 2014. Do not overspend during January or any month of the year. You tend to give away more than you can. If money is tight this month resist the urge to spend. Don't try and keep up appearances that are counterproductive.Use your money making abilities and talents to set a plan of action for bringing in more money. Your family will support your new endeavors. Set goals that involve nurturing children and those you take care of. Set intentions to value yourself more ore than you do today. Set the courage to be who you are.
Family interactions are heightened as new additions come into your life. You might find it easier to negotiate and compromise with the one you love. Make your home your sanctuary and a home that can provide safety and peace to those around you. Beautify and organize.
As Aquarius moves into your house of understanding learn what you can do to exchange talents and resources with others. Create solutions to settling debts will come to you and now is a great time to share what you know with others. Recognize and celebrate what you think. Use self-reflection to find the balance in your life. See the good in others and do take you are not to get caught up in any family disagreements or gossip. Trust that if there is a situation you cannot handle, you have help from outside sources. Venus will move into your house of assistance and be there when you are needy.
There is a light in the Full Moon this month Cancer that will bring you a sense of self. You may find that you are magical and everything you touch will be successful. Find your safe place however and stay there when emotions are at a high level. Take risks if you feel you can handle them. You do not need to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, however.
Your happiest days the month include the 1st and 2nd when you are able to catch up on your sleep. The 10th is lucky as you move toward the bus and you find it is waiting for you. You will keep the promises you have made on the 13th and 14th and love that payday is just around the corner on the 15th. Take care to avoid arguments on the 20th and do give your love a treat on the 23rd. You are very lucky and powerful on the 30th and all the jobs you have pressing will be finished.
The days that are highly challenging for you in January 2014 Cancer and this includes the 3rd that is cold and stormy as well as the 11th that is even worse. Listen to the traffic reports on the 17th and maybe take another route to work. Let your mate do the cooking on the 27th since you will drop hot grease on your foot and be out of work for a bit. The 31st is an okay day, but you might want to stay home and in bed.
Horoscope for January 2014 for each zodiac sign
Horoscope for January 2014- → Horoscope for January 2014 for Aries
- → Horoscope for January 2014 for Taurus
- → Horoscope for January 2014 for Gemini
- Horoscope for January 2014 for Cancer
- → Horoscope for January 2014 for Leo
- → Horoscope for January 2014 for Virgo
- → Horoscope for January 2014 for Libra
- → Horoscope for January 2014 for Scorpio
- → Horoscope for January 2014 for Sagittarius
- → Horoscope for January 2014 for Capricorn
- → Horoscope for January 2014 for Aquarius
- → Horoscope for January 2014 for Pisces