Horoscope for December 2014

Horoscope for December 2014 The Full Moon on the 6th of December and in Gemini is the Full Cold Moon. The winter cold tightens its grip and the nights are dark and long. As with other Decembers, 2014 bring about a sense of worrying about survival and forgiveness. Material things are not as important as family relationships.

December 2014 is a special month. It is the month of festivities, celebrations, and the year ending. Look back on the year and count your blessings. Get ready for targets and resolutions to make the next year great. Working hard and taking the time to finish all tasks promptly will ensure a prosperous New Year. December 2014 is also the month of regrets. Not doing what you set out to do makes you a bit on the depressed side.

Is December 2014 the month of weddings and commitments? Generally speaking you will be more sentimental during December and want to have someone to celebrate with. It is a special time to begin a new relationship. Around the 20th to the 23rd of December go to holiday parties, socialize and be your sparkling best. You never know who you will meet both in love relationship and business partnerships.

Start December 2014 with a positive attitude and on the 1st of December celebrate the ending of the old and the coming of the new. The world moves along but troubles continue. Keep your own home free from chaos and make it a haven for peace.

Relationships can be dicey in December 2014 with the transit of Venue and Jupiter in your houses of relationship matters. Around the 15th of December 2014 attraction is not really the secret to keeping your partner. It takes kindness, compassion and a bit of magic to make a relationship work. Use this day to be kinder and more sensitive.

December is not usually a travel month and this is good as airline tickets and the price of gas rise with global unrest. Jupiter and Mars are having fun worrying the markets and making things a bit on the difficult side. Stock markets will hold on an even keel as the economy takes time out to take a deep breath.

Great days in December 2014 despite the chaos and difficulties, are the 23rd, 24th, and 25th. These days bring about family togetherness. If you do not have a family, adopt one for this season. It is not good to be alone at this time of the year.

The 31st is always a fun time. Celebrate the coming in of 2015 and let go of 2014. As with every year, there are hopes and fears with the ending of a year. Grab 2015 with gusto and make it better than ever. It is possible as Saturn and his cannot do attitude moves out of several houses that have held him tight for over two years. It is almost a freeing experience to watch the planets move on to other signs and work their magic.


Horoscope for December 2014 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for each day of December 2014