Horoscope for December 26 2014
December 26th, avoid doing anything that takes a great deal of physical energy today. After all the celebrations and family parties from yesterday you will need a nap. Be brave and tell others to just leave you for a bit.

Everything will turn out for the best today Aries. You will find it difficult to convince yourself that things will be okay, but overcome your fears through faith. Have faith in yourself and your family. Things are possible.

Taurus, be disciplined and respectful of traditions. Don't be rebellious. There is no logical reason you need to follow the rules, but keep traditions and be respectful.

You are feeling adventurous today Gemini. The universe is actually encouraging you to be original and maybe break the flow. Take a road trip to the mountains and sign up for skiing. Might be fun and adventurous.

Cancer, passions will get the better of you today. You don't care with other people think and you are ready to rock the world. Do be careful. You may not care today, but tomorrow you may have a change of heart.

Respect those around you and they will love and respect you Leo. If you say or do things that are offensive you can rest assured that respect for you will not be there. Make the choices to keep the peace during the rest of the season. Don't rock the boat.

Family issues are all important today. You may be at odds with a sibling, but don't let others know there is a problem. Today will bring a link to investments. Take the chance Virgo and jump in with both feet.

You suddenly realize that the end of the year is almost here. You had so many plans for what you would do this year but very few of them came to pass. Move your resolution over to the next year and check them off as you write them down Libra.

Scorpio, you do find out today that wealth is in your chart. You are a bit surprised and wonder what today will bring from your career. Although it is nearly the end of the year today is still a work day. Work for your benefit and those on your team.

Sagittarius your mood is positive today and you attract events and people that bring smiles to your face. Today's check brings extra money into your checking account. You are overjoyed. Don't' worry today about what others think of you. They really don't care.

In a long term relationships that isn't working out? You may want to change partners before New Year's Eve. There is no reason you can't find someone perfect for the holidays Capricorn.

Think about being more adventurous and creative today Aquarius. Family issues are put to bed and now it is time to tackle relationship issues. You can do it! Cut the superiority feelings out of your life today. Be a listener.

Pisces, something of a let-down day. Take things on a low-down. Hide in your office and just do your work. It is still a working day even if it is the day after Christmas.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2014Horoscope for Yesterday December 25 2014
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 27 2014