Horoscope for December 2 2014
December 2nd, everything you do today should be about you. If you are accused of being selfish or insensitive that's someone else's problem. You have more opportunities later in the day to make new friends and have fun.

Aries, attitudes determine whether you are rich or poor or in the middle. Study investments, making money and careers. Put your beliefs and ideas about money to the test.

Taurus, there is so much input today. Your head is overloaded and you are highly stressed. Take frequent rest breaks and spend more time at home.

Gemini, you are really getting through to a friend who is so confused about life. Keep talking to them and be positive. Your advice and good works will go far today. Don't give up.

Feeling a little frisky and wild and crazy today Cancer? That's awesome. If you are committed try new adventures and if you are single, well, you might meet that special someone later in the evening.

Leo, pleasant changes to your diet today will have you feeling energized for the rest of the year. Exercise at least 30 minutes and you will find a positive effect on your health and attractiveness.

You and your romantic love are able to talk openly today Virgo. There are family issues that are causing stress in your relationship. Keep communication open.

Libra, investment opportunities fall out of the blue today. Read everything you can to make sure you are investing wisely. Study. There are strings attached that may not jump out at you, but are there nonetheless.

Intuition is high today. When it comes to investments, money, debts, and payments you know what to do. Use your good ideas to turn your finances around. Use hobbies and make them into income generating projects Scorpio.

Friends are deeply personal to you and now they are needing some overhauling. It is not your friends who are changing it is you. You are getting a bit more set in your ways and your family is keeping you from playing so much Sagittarius.

Being the center of attention is awesome Capricorn. Keep it up. Being interesting to others and all the attention that comes with it is fun. Answer those phone calls, letters, emails and texts from people want to be with you.

Your timing is off Aquarius and energy is just about gone. You are in deconstruction mode and you a little challenging to those around you. Meditate and re-balance. Coworkers will come back to ask for advice.

Pisces you are looking better financially today. There is a check in the mail, a bonus is about to be announced, you have learned to sell your hobbies for a profit. Keep up the good work.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2014Horoscope for Yesterday December 1 2014
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 3 2014