Horoscope for December 2014 for Leo

Horoscope for December 2014 Leo Leo, as Saturn moves out of Scorpio and your home of domestic matters, you will feel a new sense of freedom and surety in what you have created. You feel secure about your home base. Saturn will help you tighten up your belt and stop being so frivolous. You may need to have a serious discussion with an investment planner about your budget and investment potentials.

On or about December 4th Mars will move into your house of acquaintances and friends. You will make it plain that you are a different breed and will not conform. You will soon cross paths, Leo with those you consider members of your new inner circle. Finding new groups to run around with is important to personal growth. Don't' let them change you too much, however, Leo.

Venus the Goddess of Money is laboring around your house of work this month. Around December 15th you will be well equipment to handle holiday parties and gift giving. Don't let Pluto-Uranus change your mind and move your energy to different pursuits. Stay with your plans.

Your work-related situation will turn out all right around the 20th of December. You have changed jobs and believe that you've earned the right to have a fulfilling career. No problem! Resist the urge to brag to old friends what you have accomplished. You don't need to feel smug. It has taken a long time to get to this position.

Evil days for you in December Leo includes the 1st and 6th. Try not to be so dismayed on these days that you give up. Nothing will go right but you are now prepared. On the 15th no paycheck and no raise. On the 16th a paycheck but still no raise or bonus. You were counting on both to have a Merry Christmas. On the 19th the day is challenging weather wise. Watch out and take care to dress warm. On the 20th you want to move to a sunny climate and began making plans. These plans fall through the cracks and you are forced to stay in your northern home. On the 23rd you are preparing for holiday parties when you fall and sprain your ankle. On the 24th you are too sore and tired to be happy. The 25th is challenging since it is a day when you have to get up early, be cheerful, and try and have a good demeanor about you.

Wonderful days in December 2014 for you Leo are the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. Everything thing you love about December 2014 happens on these days. The snow is gentle, the weather is kind. You are feeling great and bargains are everywhere you turn. Your love is happy and so are you. The 8th of December is special since it is a day when you celebrate your love's birthday. Happy day! Be kind to yourself on the 12th of December. Put your feet up, have a hot toddy, and dream by the fire on the 13th. Nothing is better than thinking about Christmas on the 14th and hoping for the best.


Horoscope for December 2014 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for December 2014