Horoscope for January 9 2013
There are days when we feel we need a miracle, a lucky break, or even just a breather. Take a moment to notice what you are saying to yourself and make sure it is positive. Remember that January 9th is a good day.

Aries you are an understanding sign and wisdom is a part of your personality. You have some psychic abilities and need to use them to keep you little family safe today.

Taurus you are highly emotionally insecure. You have a secretiveness about you that is hard to break through. Although you have been hurt many times in relationships, know that you are the one who also did the hurting. Find it within you to forgive and forget.

Gemini there is a secret you are keeping today and you wish to reveal this secret. Tell your partner first and if you have time tell your family and friends. Don't be shy, the secret isn't bad.

Cancer you need to find the path to your inner self and the potential that is within you. Stop trying to be more than you really are and just enjoy what you have now. It is not good to always be looking for something else; something that you can never have.

Leo you must look toward your instincts. Trust your intuition and let your spirits guide you. You may find that a new person will enter your life that will provide wise counsel and advice. Listen and learn from them.

Virgo you are feeling very insecure emotionally today and the danger of wanting to blackmail someone is high in your mind. You should try and suppress this urge since it will bring dark forces into your life.

There is a secret being kept from you by some unknown person. You will find that there are obstacles placed in your way today, Libra and you may need all your skills at deduction to find out what the obstacle is.

Scorpio, really try to hide from the bad influences around you. It may be someone of the opposite sex but it will not be someone with your best intentions in mind. Just stay away from crowds and shouting people; they will not be good for you today.

Sagittarius you are feeling highly positive today. There is harmony in your life today and that includes the home front as well as the job front. Take care to hold this good feeling in your heart for the rest of the week. It will serve you well.

Capricorn you are a very welcome sight to many people today. There are those who have been waiting for you so they could tap into your expertise and wisdom. Be your charming and funny self and let them into your heart.

You have a highly suppressed artistic side, Aquarius. Today is a good day to make something of that artistic side. Build something with your hands or write a sonnet; take someone to lunch and sing to them, or if these things embarrass you just smile at those around you.

Pisces is there something unwanted in your life today? You need to find what it is and dig it out. It may be only a thought or it may be a person. You will not rest easy today until your find the answer.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2013Horoscope for Yesterday January 8 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 10 2013