Horoscope for January 19 2013
December 19th is moving along nicely and this is the time of the year when we need to cozy up to hearth and home. Take care to do activities with you family today; board games and popcorn are great. If you snuggle down into the day you will find a great peaceful reward.

Aries, there is stiff competition in business for you today. You will have to fight (not literally) a coworker for a place soon. You will be victorious.

Taurus, don't let others take advantage of you. Be cautions against any decisions you must make and try not to be indecisive. Take someone to a movie tonight.

Gemini as your goal deadline approaches you will find that new ideas for finishing the project will come into your mind. You will find that thoughts and ideas are running through your brain in almost a manic manner. Discuss with your partner your thoughts and ideas before acting on them.

Today you will feel quarrels and domestic disputes Cancer. You will need to be courageous to hold on to your sanity. Try not to be jealous of anyone today.

Leo you need to be prepared for any event today. You will win an eventual victory over you procrastination, but you must do your part. Good health is yours today.

Virgo you are a very clever person today and this cleverness can lead you into trouble. Don't gossip or find fault with coworkers and take time at home to be on your best behavior.

There are days where you have an impetuous nature, Libra. But you are always a generous friend and you will do anything for those who are in your inner circle. Today there is someone who needs a shoulder to cry on. Be available.

Scorpio today is the beginning of love and joy. You will find beauty in everything you see and you are enjoying particularly good health. Go for a jog and talk to people you meet on the jogging path. Be careful, though there are always dangers around the corner.

Sagittarius today you will feel a hesitancy to accept the things that come from the heart. You will not believe that someone can love you and you will fight against love and honor. Take care; you may lose what you have.

Capricorn today is the beginning of a new romance! You may also find it is a well-balanced friendship with harmony and cooperation as the key worlds. Enjoy your new found friend and love.

The crazy saying, "stop and smell the roses" is very applicable to you today Aquarius. This seems to be the day for new relationships and one is for you. Take care to be kind and open with any new person you meet today and take time to "smell the roses."

Pisces use your psychic abilities and nurturing personality to help someone who has lost a loved one today. You will know who it is and your arms around them will be highly appreciated.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2013Horoscope for Yesterday January 18 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 20 2013