Horoscope for January 17 2013
January 17th's garnet is an isometric crystal with different mineral content. Garnet is the stone of January and today might be a great day to go and purchase a garnet. Garnets are known for magical properties of healing and enhancing love.

Aries you may find that today you will be in an accident. It may be traffic, home or just falling on an icy street. You may be slow to get up from the accident, but you will happy to know that you cheated high injuries. Stay calm.

You will influence someone for good today Taurus. This is unusual but with patience and energy you will bring someone over to your side. Take care to rejoice in this victory.

Discord is in the air for you today Gemini. You want to fight with everyone and there is nothing you can do about it except leave the situation. Turn your back and walk away to avoid saying things that will be hurtful.

An ill-tempered person will enter your life today Cancer. Use your natural nurturing ability to temper their meanness. Be kind and ask if you can help. Swallow down tears and emotions.

A "splitting of the sheets" is in the wind today Leo. This may mean a break from your present relationship, friends leaving for other countries or just a break from a stressful situation. Watch the skies for rain.

A new friend may come into your life today Virgo. This will be highly unexpected but pleasant. You will experience a loss of funds that will have you scratching your head in frustrations. Take a deep breath and keep breathing.

Following your current path will keep you in a rut, Libra. If you like the same old thing day after day that is great, but if you are looking for changes today is the day to make a change. Ask for a new chair at work; buy a new chair at home. Sitting down is in the cards on January 17th.

Faith and hope fill your heart today Scorpio. You know that the year is starting out right and things are going good. You love pleasure so take your pleasure with happiness tonight.

Sagittarius unfilled hopes and disappointments happen today. Dreams are crushed and there is imbalance in your soul. Avoid all disappointments by changing your attitude and turn around and walk away from disputes.

There is deception around you Capricorn but it is discovered before any damage can be done. There are small mistakes in your work that will make you feel anxious and you might feel like taking advantage of someone today.

If you are married Aquarius today will be a happy day for you. You are so glad to be part of a partnership that is fulfilling and loving. If you are single you will do something with a friend tonight that will bring you happiness.

Pisces it is imperative that you take care of your health today. Dress appropriately for the weather and take care to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Don't let your body get sluggish for lack of nourishment.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2013Horoscope for Yesterday January 16 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 18 2013