Horoscope for January 20 2013
Sunday, Inauguration Day, day of mourning or day of celebration? You choose. Today is a good day to sit and read the paper and listen to the television. It might even be a better day to go to worship services and partake of the peace inside a church. Rest and relax.

You have nowhere to go but up today Aries. It is sometimes darkest before the dawn and your sleep patterns have been disturbed by dreams that have strange meanings. Relax today and meditate about the year moving rapidly on.

Taurus you feel today that things just can't get worse. You have many times when it was actually worse! Prepare for an upturn and beware of reaching the deepest part of your soul. Look to yourself, you are the guilty party.

Gemini there are times when you just want to sit down and bemoan your fate. However you are so upbeat that this feeling usually only last a few moments. Go outside and play ball with the neighbor or your little boy. You will perk up in an instant.

Cancer you are always putting your own interests last. Maybe you should stop feeling like a doormat and jump ahead in line. Look to your religious side to find answers to important questions or just to get your mind in gear. Good luck.

You are always seeing life as something hostile, Leo. You are so silly always wondering "why me". Have you ever thought that it is you who is doing sad things to yourself? Take your dog for a walk and smile at friends you meet.

Seek out the unknown Virgo and increase the power in your mind. If you step out your door now you can pretend that you are in quest of a new adventure. Expand your horizons and read something different or just go somewhere unusual. The same old same old is becoming boring to you.

Look for greater possibilities today Libra. Plan ahead and learn all you can about what to expect in the future. Try and change your mind set at work and find something creative you can do with your lot in life.

Scorpio it is a good idea to who others the way to do a project; the way to tie up loose ends and the way to live. Take the main role on a project either at home or in your job and provide the needed direction. You need to rally the team behind you to get everything done.

Sagittarius you are the representative of your family today and you need to set a good example. Try to assume a responsible position and take care to not be strange and weird. Control your thoughts but provide a pleasant atmosphere.

Capricorn you love to concentrate on your own feelings rather than the feelings of those around you. Be aware of others and tilt your head down a few inches to see their faces. You tend to give little today, and you need to do more.

Aquarius today is a day to be introspective and meditate about what you want to do the rest of the year. You may find yourself getting lost in reverie today, but that is okay. There are days when we need just to energize our minds by thinking.

Pisces, pause to reflect today about what you want to do tomorrow. Make a list double check it to determine what needs to be done. You will need to use your psychic abilities to get you through the week. It's great!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2013Horoscope for Yesterday January 19 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 21 2013