Horoscope for January 30 2013
The night and darkness dominates the day on January 30th. This is a time when darkness and cold seem to be the order of the day and the daylight hours are just not long enough. Take head and brighten up you home to bring daylight in. Use as many candles as you can to create a bight atmosphere and keep you spirits high by watching comedy movies.

Aries today you are in an argument with several people. Your ability to see the argument from both sides of a discussion will serve you well in helping to solve this dilemma. Use you natural abilities to be a peacemaker and give alternative problem solving ideas.

You have a strong sense of the past today Taurus. Perhaps you are thinking of pleasant memories you had with someone else that are long gone. You can make things work out in your present life if you look to the future and forget the past.

Gemini work thoughts of our past mistakes can be used to positively create a future. Don't let on that you know the real reasons for change in your life; keep it to yourself. Speculation in this case will not harm you.

If you are feeling vain and prideful today you will find that your future successes are somewhat inhibited. You are not usually a prideful person so today take the time to count your successes and then leave them in the past Cancer.

Vast heavenly fluctuations and a need to balance your life is high on your goal list today Leo. Today is a day you need to communicate highly with those around you. Change must be used skillfully and you need to look at all sides of the coin. Find balance between wants and needs.

Virgo today may be a day of over-indulgence at lunch. You may have the inability to complete a project and this makes you crazy. Find someone who can help you in your efforts; sometimes it is not good to go it alone.

Hand your established business with care and knowledge today Libra. There are hidden meanings in communications both written and spoken. Look to your inner self to find the real meanings behind communications.

Scorpio today is a good day to "manipulate" the rules of a game. This will be necessary to continue on a successful path. Do be careful, however, how you manipulate and change rules. Make sure they will not hurt someone else.

Use your skills and interests to find a rewarding and very profitable finish, Sagittarius. If you find you hard work coming to an end don't despair; you will find that your reward is high. Working hard and doing a good job will give you benefits beyond your imagination.

Capricorn please do try not to use your energy today to cheat the system. Dishonest dealings in any type of affairs will give you a short term gain, but the long term will be cloudy.

Aquarius you are very loyal and everyone depends on our leadership to get them though. You are not particularly imaginative but your ideas are intellectual and well thought out.

Pisces don't be blind to beauty and try not to be adverse to change. You highly intuitive personality and deep sense of the spiritual will help you change your plans with grace. Today you need to communicate with those above and below you.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2013Horoscope for Yesterday January 29 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 31 2013