Horoscope for January 3 2013
January 3rd and now winter begins with a vengeance. You have the urge to clean house both at home and at work. If you have workers who are slacking, don't lose your temper. Remain calm and think about what's best for everyone involved. Don't let others stand in the way today; just work around them.

Aries, January 3rd is a wonderful day! It is the day when a new business or property opportunity may open up. You have sent in motion several business propositions and one of them is going to be successful today. Good for you. This may be a good luck charm for the rest of the year.

Taurus today you are assured of a good future; but of course tomorrow could be different. You will overcome a very puzzling difficulty today and you emotions will be more stabilized. Try to relax; there is tenseness in your aura.

Gemini please do not make the mistake of falling into self-indulgence. You may have shortage of money due to spendthrift tendencies, but if you budget you will come out on top.

Cancer, run away! Although this is not the answer to pressing problems or other people's problems that are on your shoulders you may need to find a retreat and establish peace through being alone. Meditate and get away from it all.

Leo your nerve is failing you and you need to stand up for yourself. You will find that seclusion is not good for you. You may be banished from something you love today; be careful.

There are fluctuations and many changes in the air today Virgo. You may need to balance your talents when you plan for the future. Try not to purchase anything on credit today. You will have problems with money if you do.

Be very careful of your established business and career Libra. You need to keep the status quo to maintain success. Work hard today and be a team player.

If you are reckless and ignore warnings of impending trouble you will not have a very good day Scorpio. Debt may be your legacy if you keep buying things you don't need. Try not to be over-indulgent.

Today Capricorn you are going to be so happy! A completion of a personal project will happen today. There will now be a series of events that will help with this chapter in your life. You will be able to do more projects and find more things that are happy for you.

Don't despair today Aquarius everything you are having a problem with is coming to satisfactory end. Do not resist change in your life and know that there are situations that you have been working on that are coming to completion.

Pisces today is a good day to feel completed. You have had a wonderful holiday season and now it is time to open up your packages at work and start on new projects. You are very psychic today and need to listen to your inner soul. Mind the weather; it may be a bit on the bad side.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2013Horoscope for Yesterday January 2 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 4 2013