Horoscope for January 29 2013
January 29th is a day of power. You may find that if you carry an agate stone you will feel a buzzing in the atmosphere. Agate can guard against evil; empower knowledge and learning; and attract good fortune. Look inward today as you handle you agate stone; you should feel protected.

Feel energy and perhaps sexual desire today Aries. Plan for a fun event tonight and take your love along for the ride. It is a good day to dream.

Look for strength today Taurus. Strength is a sign of physical and mental wellbeing. Use your strength of will to control what is trying to get outside of you. It may be harsh words or statements thrown at someone else to cause hurt and harm. This will not bear well for your soul.

Gemini today should be a day of exercising and eating right. The day indicates that you need to have good health to face the trials that are coming our way. Read and research the best ways to achieve good health.

Cancer unfortunately today indicates a day of sorrow or pain. There may be disruption and discord in your home or arguments at work. You need to look toward establishing something better in our life than sorrow. Ask for blessings to ward of sad feelings.

Leo you are so spiritual and mentally confused. You seem to see treachery and sorrow at every turn. You will need o find someone who is sunny and bright to bring your out of your confusion. Sometimes it is great to hug a child; they have so much unconditionally love.

Great! Today is a happy day. You have balance and harmony in your life and there are high achievements surrounding you. Just use your imagination. You are artistically made and have much to give; so give Virgo.

Are you feeling particularly affectionate today Libra? This is due to the worldly atmosphere around you. You are somewhat lacking in common sense today, Libra, but with your intuitive and dreamy nature you will overcome you lack of practicality.

If you are not careful today Scorpio you may gain a reputation of someone who cannot be trusted with a secret. You often change our opinions to suit host around you and to gain their confidences. Just listen to yourself and be true to your ideals.

As a natural born leader Sagittarius today you need to be aware that what you say and how you act can lead others down a destructive path. It is provident that you take care of what you say and do today. Others are watching you; don't give the wrong information.

What a charmer you can be Capricorn. With your witty and honest demeanor and generous personality you have many friends who love and need you. Today you will have the opportunity to influence someone at home or work to do something good. This will lead to a very promising career.

Aquarius there are times today when you will be so distracted that you will have a distinct inability to understand someone else's point of view. This may cause discord and anger in the workplace. Make sure the person you are talking to is not a bigot with many prejudices

Pisces you are highly psychic and intuitive. Everyone knows that Pisces is the sign of intuition. Use your intuition today to make someone happy. Dig within yourself to find that caring soul. You will be surprised at how far this takes you.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2013Horoscope for Yesterday January 28 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 30 2013