Horoscope for January 27 2013
Use today January 27th to relax and let go of expectations. Enjoy the benefits of rest and quiet time today. It would be perfect to read, reflect and catch up on the cleaning of your environment.

Running away from responsibilities today Aries is not a good idea. I know you are thinking of sneaking off and just leaving everything behind - if only for a day. Don't take the easy way out, face up to your responsibilities and get your jobs done.

You feel that you are all wise and knowing, Taurus. Because you want your own ideas and independence you won't even call a friend and tell them congratulations or give them a bit of advice on a sad situation. You will not have a happy life if you continue to think only of yourself.

Gemini you are very good at covering your tracks and ignoring the situations you have set in motion. Gemini's are often two-faced and let others take the rap. What is going on today at work and at home will have your thinking twice about controlling through storytelling.

Cancer what is the secret you are hiding? You will always get caught you know, and today is one of those "getting caught days." Try not to cover your tracks with lies and deceitfulness; just tell someone you are holding the secret close to your heart.

Leo today is the perfect day to meet obligations and be responsible. It is time to stay away from those who are not good for you and to take care of those tasks that should be important. Stop being scared of change; you are up to the challenge.

Being innocent, noble and kind today is going to be a trial but you can do it; you will need all the innocent looks and kindness you can muster to get through a very difficult situation today. You can do it Virgo if you rely on yourself and act on your own.

Libra you would love to tiptoe away from society and go your own secret and solitary ways. Its okay we all need to relay on ourselves from time to time.

Scorpio if you keep on the path you have set for yourself today you will have dishonor and separation from those you love. Think twice about doing something shady and somewhat dishonest always; but especially today.

Sagittarius, there is no shame in running, but if you run from the truth it will hurt for years and years. You can rely on yourself, but it is better to learn and work with others. Take a friend to lunch and open up today.

Capricorn today you must meet obligations and stay responsible. Stay brave in the face of difficult tasks and you will definitely prevail.

The need to run free and alone is very strong today Aquarius. You may want to discover and solve every mystery on your own. Don't forget the efforts of those who are helping you, Aquarius. You need to be grateful today for all that you have.

Your spiritual and lonely side is waking up today Pisces. You need to use all your psychic powers to keep your mind in balance and working on a spiritual path. Don't hide from the moon or you will be sorry.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2013Horoscope for Yesterday January 26 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 28 2013