Horoscope for January 1 2013
January 1st and today you are hurrying to get out the door to shop for the holiday. Take care to dress warm; there is a storm in the air. You also need to be highly cautious today to lock your car and hide your purchases.

Aries this is a highly positive day for communications, shopping and going to lunch. You feel adventurous and are willing to find different gifts in unusual stores. This will be fun and fulfill your need for something different.

Self-recognition is high today for you Taurus. You are feeling very creative and want to make something with your hands to give away to friends. This could be in the form of baking, wood crafting, or sewing. Whatever your expertise you need to go with your thoughts.

You have made mistakes in the past Gemini; don't worry we all have! Today is an enlightenment that brings knowledge of how you can work around your problems and mistakes. Go with your inner thoughts and don't be analytical.

Cancer you rule with gentle authority. This also means you are passive aggressive! Don't let your temper get the best of you today. Head your inner voice and take care that you do not offend anyone to the point of them leaving your side for a long period of time.

Leo you have thoughts of self-importance today that may blind you to what is going on around you. Keep your vanity in check and don't think more about yourself than there is. You can be successful, but you need to be cautious.

Spirituality is your legacy today Virgo. Go to mass or a church service and think and meditate. It is very important that you don't ignore your spiritual feelings today. Beware of lust and envy today and make sure you take care of your health. Remember that spirituality and health are priceless.

You need to decide what course to take today Libra in regards to relationships. You have many choices and it is hard to know which one is the best. Call upon your own inner thoughts and intelligence to give you the proper guidance. Make the decisions that will be best for you and don't listen to other's criticisms.

Scorpio the influences of positive and negative are pulling against you today. You are an emotionally strong person and you can make things happen. Use your abilities to decide whether you will take the positive or the negative road. Use self-mystery in deciding which way to go.

Your judgment today Sagittarius is going to be highly clouded with emotions and thoughts of discomfort. Find a way to break through those clouds and discuss your thoughts with someone close to you. You should not be alone today; seek good company.

Capricorn you need to look for truth today. It may be the truth you need within your own mind or the truth that is eluding you from someone else close to you. Whatever the reason, if you don't find out today what truth you are seeking, you will be highly unsatisfied.

You seem to need to learn a lesson over and over and especially today Aquarius. When you first learn something write it down to keep it in your mind. If you just try to remember you will forget and the vital information will be lost. You would not be a good songmaster since your memory today is not functioning properly.

Pisces there is always a struggle between your good self and your bad self. Use your intuitive energies when determining what path to follow. Today you will be challenged with those paths and it is up to you to choose wisely.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2013Horoscope for Tomorrow January 2 2013