Horoscope for January 12 2013
Don't forget to do the things you would like to avoid especially on January 12th. This is a day when the Moon is in a void-of-course mood and if you have calls to make or things to do and you probably won't connect with the person on the other end of the phone. This will give you an excuse to say, "I tried" without actually having to do anything. Sounds a bit weird, but sometimes we just need not to do anything.

Aries today, if you are a women, the only thing you want to do is create and this includes children. You need to nurture and know you have the ability to create life. If you are a male, you are longing for a family and need to work with your partner to this end. Today is a good day to start.

Security and protection are what you want today Taurus. You will have this when you have finished remaking yourself into someone who is easy to live with. You tend to be difficult after you get complacent and you expect more from others than they can give.

Gemini your generosity will know no bounds today. You will feel very trustworthy and reliable. Insight into money matters as well as matters of the heart takes precedence today. Look for a path to spiritual enlightenment.

You long to just stay at home and make your home a haven. Others criticize you for this and if you are a woman they will tell you to get a "real job." If you are a Cancer male you will know that you need to provide security and wealth for your family. Don't get derailed.

Leo your diary tells you to have a family and to teach the right ways of life. Give them spiritual hope and life. You will meet the right person someday who will give you this opportunity. If you already have a family lead them where they need to go with confidence and faith.

Virgo today is a day you are obsessed with protection. You will want to fold your family and friends in your arms and keep them from the cold of January. This is so admirable. Take them to dinner, you will feel much better.

Libra you have simple goals and it feels as if they are hard to obtain today. Devote yourself to making your home good, your work lively and your life valuable. Simplicity is often the best policy.

Scorpio you have judgmental friends! They are telling you to go out and do something more with your life and find a place that will give you great wealth. You need to tell them to back off and leave you alone, you are happy and that is the greatest wealth of all; especially today.

Sagittarius you will find the bridge today that balances the mundane things in your life with the spectacular dreams you have for your future. You will know that you can return to the material world anytime you want but today you are focusing on the spiritual.

Both balance and change are in the wind today Capricorn. How to keep in balance is your question. You need to continually juggle duties and responsibilities and both are falling to the ground. Try to find space to think and meditate today; you need it for balance.

Change in your life today Aquarius is the watchword. Your financial situation is a bit uncertain and will change. Constant change and self-improvement is the only way to develop your strength and let go of your weaknesses.

Pisces if you are feeling bored today you need to have some fun. All work and no play are not good for the soul. Cut back a bit on you work day and go home to your family. Eat dinner, watch television, and play board games. It will bring you a measure of peace.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2013Horoscope for Yesterday January 11 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 13 2013