Horoscope for October 2012 for Virgo

The New Moon in October plants a seed in your house of love. Romance is the name of the game and you will give an old love another shot. You will be very intense with Pluto listening in to your conversations and on the 4th of October you will become very interested in someone (if you are single.) Don't become obsessed with your love, just take it easy. You find that with Neptune in your house of encounters brings new people come into your life. You need to let them in and on the 10th of October take advantage of the situation.
Venus spends the month of October with you Virgo. The 7th and the 11th of October Venus will cause you to bump into someone who will give you advice on your career. They will be a mentor and you will soon be off and running. Carry business cards with you; even at social events. Self-promote, work up your networking status, and find new business acquaintances.
Work arguments heat up around the 25th Virgo. Be careful that you do not become overbearing. A coworker is not doing what they are supposed to do. You don't like it and are willing to give them the shaft. Don't! You are not the supervisor and you do not have the authority to call anyone on the carpet. Finish your own responsibilities. Arguing over tasks won't solve any issue.
Challenging days for you Virgo are the 1st and 2nd of October. These are days that bring you to your knees (figuratively). You cannot seem to do anything right and arguments at home and work is giving you stress and anxiety. On the 3rd and 4th you may find that your supervisor is giving you angry looks and you don't know why. Your love is being difficult on the 5th and on the 8th they are packing up to leave. You don't know why the 16th is so awful, you just got paid and it was a good check. The 25th is not one of your days and you do not want to stay on the job. Just take a day off and recoup.
Rewarding days are the 7th and 10th. These are days your projects are finished, your love gives you a hug and your children are obedient. You love these days! On the 11th and 12th days are filled with the promise of spring. Go to the garden shop and browse. New sprouts are awesome! On the 18th and 19th you will have the opportunity to do a humanitarian deed. This act of kindness will gain you a new friend, a networking partner, and possibly a new business opportunity.
Horoscope for October 2012 for each zodiac sign
Horoscope for October 2012- → Horoscope for October 2012 for Aries
- → Horoscope for October 2012 for Taurus
- → Horoscope for October 2012 for Gemini
- → Horoscope for October 2012 for Cancer
- → Horoscope for October 2012 for Leo
- Horoscope for October 2012 for Virgo
- → Horoscope for October 2012 for Libra
- → Horoscope for October 2012 for Scorpio
- → Horoscope for October 2012 for Sagittarius
- → Horoscope for October 2012 for Capricorn
- → Horoscope for October 2012 for Aquarius
- → Horoscope for October 2012 for Pisces