Horoscope for December 2012 for Sagittarius

Horoscope for December 2012 Sagittarius Reevaluate your plans and projects this December Sagittarius and add pragmatism or a practical way of thinking to your holiday season and the future beyond. On December 12th you will have an opportunity to review decisions you have made this year and decide if you want to continue with those plans. On December 2nd it may be adventurous to break out of old habits and discover new ways to create, plan and finish projects. On the 4th of December you will be invited into discussions on the future of your company and you need to give your ideas and thoughts in an intellectual and processed manner.

The 18th of December will give you a way to connect with others that you never thought about before and on the 21st of December or the Winter Solstice you do need to balance your checkbook and evaluate your economic situation. Don't spend willy-nilly! You do need to reorganize your finances.

The 6th through the 7th of December you will have a tendency to see and hear what you want rather than what is reality. These hopeful illusions feed your imagination but will lead to confusing conversations and missteps. On the 7th of December you may find yourself leaning toward exaggerations and making up things, but on the 8th you will realize that you are saying crazy things.

The 9th and 10th you will get those who don't want to work together to finish projects and on the 20th you will find there are some at work who are very angry at you. Watch out on the 16th of December and be fun loving and compassionate. You make people want to laugh and your sense of humor can bring people into your circle. This same sense of humor can make some people angry and turn away from you! Be careful and choose your jokes wisely.

The 25thof December or Christmas day is one filled with wonderful chaos. Friends and family are continually dropping by to wish you happy holidays and you are just not getting your mid-day Christmas nap - which is your present to yourself! Don't be bored by traditions that carry on from year to years; this is the cement that keeps families together. Make sure you children realize that tradition is what's important today.

On the 29th and 31st you may find that you want to play mind games Sagittarius. Do resist the urge to hurt anyone's feelings. Balance your checkbook before going out on New Year's Eve and make sure you have plenty of money to hire a taxi after a particularly riotous party. Take your family along for a great ride and treat them to a New Year's dinner at a fancy restaurant.

Horoscope for December 2012 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for December 2012