Horoscope for January 2018 for Libra

Horoscope for January 2018 Libra As a Libra, you are the leader of the 7th house of relationships, and your planetary ruler is Venus. Venus begins in your 4th house of family and roots this month. You will have a lot of love for your physical environment in your living space. You will value your privacy and home the most. Because Venus is so loving and harmonious, she will ensure that your family and home is content, nurtured, and loved. At the same time, this alignment might make you afraid of getting into arguments with family members or loved ones, and you may avoid confrontation if an issue does arise. Your passion for all things domestic shines this month, and it is a wonderful opportunity to redecorate the home to make it more inviting and comfortable. On the 17th, Venus transitions into your 5th house of fun and pleasure. You will be highly focused on self-expression, creativity, and beauty. You might be proud or place a lot of emphasis on your personal talents and skills, and expect others to recognize you for the same. Surrounding yourself with nature this month is an excellent idea, and natural spaces often spark creativity for you. You will also be drawn to people who are family oriented, and might connect with others families in your neighborhood. Venus is going through an interesting transit this month, so prepare yourself for her loving energy!

Mars has been in your 2nd house of money, and he will be there until the 26th of this month. You will work very hard at work, and you will also see financial results in the process. This fiery alignment will help you to stay focused on the task at hand. Nothing will stop you from reaching your goal, and you will take a methodical approach during January. You might feel like more of a leader this month, and you might want to work on projects independently if you can. Or, you can take a leadership role within a team, as you are naturally fair and honest, so this would be an excellent time for you to step up! You will be careful with your finances, ensuring smooth sailing in your money house all month long. On the 26th, Mars transits into your 3rd house of communication. Here, Mars will be strong-willed, and unafraid to speak his mind! You will feel very passionate about certain issues, voicing your opinions to advocate for society and fight on behalf of injustice. Mars keeps you fiery all month long, and you will certainly cause a change in whatever scene you are acting in! If Mars makes you feel too fired up, take a walk outside in nature. The elements will calm you down as you engage all five senses in this task. Jupiter continues his reign in your 2nd house as well, so he will bring good fortune for you on the financial front! No need to worry about money any longer, the planets have your back, lovely Libra!

On the 11th, Mercury enters your 4th house of family and roots. You may be compelled to think and reflect a lot on your original family unit and where you came from. You might be interested in topics and discussions that surround your family, home, and loved ones. This alignment is neither positive nor negative. Rather, it is up to your thoughts how Mercury influences you in this sector. You might have important conversations with members of your family, visit your hometown, or reflect on specific childhood memories. A lot of your feelings and thoughts may occur on a subconscious level, and you might not realize that this topic has been so vital in your life this month. Do not hold back any information or emotions you need to discuss, either with or about family members, childhood, and your home. You will be an excellent communicator this month, and will be aware of any intricacies in your family dynamic. This will enable you to navigate problems and have real conversations with your loved ones. Mercury's love is coming on strong this month, but it is all for your benefit.

January begins with the Sun in Capricorn, your 5th house of pleasure and fun. You will identify with the delightful parts of your personality, loving the attention you get from others and how you can entertain them. This house makes you chill out and focus on the good stuff! You definitely want to be noticed for your uniqueness, creativity and nonconformity the most this month. You might emphasize work over play, but with Mars keeping you in check in your 2nd house, you are likely to work hard and play hard. You might attend parties, events, and generally be more social this month. If you are in a relationship, you might feel like doing more fun-loving activities with your partner. This is a great month for being playful and sexy in the bedroom! If you are a single Libra, you might not find your soulmate this month, but you can certainly have a good time with lovers, friends, and mates alike! On the 19th, the Sun shifts into your 6th house of duties and responsibilities. You will be dedicated to improving the lives of others through work and service, whether it is through charity contributions, volunteer work, or simply being a good friend. Your feeling of honor and duty to humanity and loved ones are strong, and you are the perfect match for this loving, humanitarian alignment.

The month ends with a full moon lunar eclipse on the 31st in Leo. This moon gives you the opportunity to reconcile with any vulnerabilities and insecurities you are holding onto. Leo encourages you to channel your inner power to release guilt, fear, and anxiety. Take today to reflect on how you wish to lead the rest of the year in a way that is true to yourself. Don't hold yourself back any longer, dear Libra!


Horoscope for January 2018 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for January 2018