Horoscope for May 2017 for Libra

Horoscope for May 2017 Libra Studying their horoscope for May 2017, Libra representatives will be surprised where and why has their April tranquility vanished? The end of spring will make your life burst its banks and turn into a raging uncontrollable stream. Waking up in the mornings, you will not know in advance what to expect at any point of your life. Do not be afraid and do not worry, since everything destined to happen to you in May will be of a positive nature.

Living through the spring of 2017, Libra representatives will not even notice how their personal life turns into a rather intricate melodrama. If you are single and ready to start a new romance, May will swallow you with a whirlwind of interesting trips, unusual acquaintances, every single one of which will have a touch of romance. You might be surprised why the opposite sex has suddenly taken such a passionate interest in you. Do not look for the answer to this question, since literally everything comes to life in May (including the sensual attraction). Do not try to extinguish your new growing sympathy, flared up by a certain person. Do not blame yourself if you realize in advance, that your relationship with this person, based solely on passion, will end very soon. You have the right to enjoy the pleasures of this love, even if this feeling reminds animal instincts. Married Libra representatives will spend the month of May not a tiny bit calmer. At some point you will feel that your beloved one does not arouse that much interest in you. You will start looking around, mentally comparing your soul mate with other "objects" of the opposite sex. As a result, you will be able to make a great discovery - your spouse wins in this comparison, and a lack of desire towards your soul mate is caused by ruthless routine and a habit of spending much time together.

The financial aspect of Libra's life in May 2017 will be marked by fundamental changes. If previously you have been constantly worried that your income is barely enough to cover essential expenses, the next four weeks will change the situation for better. If you work for a company, your budget will start growing as soon as you take up on a part-time job, or get a second one. If you are involved in your own business, your significant success in May will be applauded even by your old competitors! Earlier this month you will implement a number of major reforms at your company leading to an immediate start of a steady income growth. No need to explain how it became possible...Others do not necessarily need to know, that for your own benefit you have canceled awards to your own staff or somewhat reduced the salary of these people, promising them to go back to the usual size of the salary as soon as the crisis is gone.

Libra's health in May 2017 is not expected to undergo severe tests. If some time ago you've worried that a chronic disease will once again take up on an acute form, at this point all those fears will disappear. However, this does not give you the right to abandon planned examinations by health professionals!


Horoscope for May 2017 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for May 2017