Horoscope for August 2017 for Scorpio

Horoscope for August 2017 Scorpio Horoscope for August 2017 leaves people born under the constellation of Scorpio no chance to enjoy peacefulness and tranquillity. You'll spend this summer with the strong feeling that your life will never return to its former steady pace. However, even if all the things happening around you just in one day are of the most controversial character, try to calm down and without rushing into drawing any conclusions, sort out all the events into good and not-so-nice categories.

The personal life of Scorpio representatives in August will resemble a ship, which suddenly has gone under water. This metaphor means only one thing - all the efforts that you have made to settle down the things in your personal life, will completely vanish at the end of summer. Some person from your past will keep on bothering you even now, constantly calling you with endless explicit threats. Obviously, you won't be able to live normally while this continues! You will even refuse the approaches of your new admirer. However, do not rush into taking active steps towards the neutralisation of your "stalker". The best method of dealing with this person is persistent indifference, simply try to ignore this person's behaviour. Stay calm, and eventually your stalker will cease to send negative vibes in your direction. If you are a married, the main cause of all the disturbances in August will be the absence of the usual home comfort. House renovations, relocation or other large project that you'll decide to put into practice at the end of this summer, will bring you maximum inconvenience, making you rather irritable and aggressive. It won't be quite easy for your better half to cope with your bad temper (it is quite possible that he or she will decide to stay at their parents' place for a while).

Career and financial aspect of Scorpio's life in August will become their greatest challenge. If you work for a company, get ready for the fact that at the end of this summer your work place will suffer from "a fever." You and your colleagues will have to carry out your professional duties under severe pressure. Not wanting to get on the sacking list, you'll show tremendous enthusiasm, and these efforts will yield some benefit. At this point you will be able to keep your current position, but you're still rather far away from being completely out of the woods, so don't even think of relaxing! Scorpio-entrepreneurs will also learn what endless troubles truly are. Under the pressure of attacks from your competitors' end, you will close down a large-scale project, deciding that now is not the best time for it.

Scorpio representatives will meet the end of August 2017 with undisguised relief. You will hope that autumn will bring with it at least some peacefulness, which is so necessary for your normal state of health. Stars do not recommend you to rely solely on hopes and expectations, and it's definitely rather unreasonable to postpone taking your sedatives! Until you restore your shattered nerves, no further progress is in question.


Horoscope for August 2017 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for August 2017