Horoscope for June 2014 for Scorpio

Horoscope for June 2014 Scorpio Scorpio, June will be a month of long distance relationships as Venus and Jupiter form a sextile. Your house of relationships will be linked and you will want to see those you have missed for a long time. Just stop wondering about what they are doing and how they are and call them. Be prepared for a good long telephone talk and a high phone bill.

Relationship have a better chance of lasting for you if you keep your emotions high. When Venus is in your house of relationship on June 4th turn your lustful feelings for someone into love. It will last longer than one-night stands and weekend affairs.

June 8th is the best day to shop, apply for a loan, or invest. Money related matters will be great around this time of the month and you won't have to worry about what you are doing. Just relax and enjoy the ride. There are times when the Universe passes out tremendous gifts. You deserve a gift this month.

On the 7th, 14th and 25th of June beware! These are volatile days Scorpio. You do not like confrontation but you may be drawn into someone else's drama. If that happens you are the one who needs to stay calm. No one else will be able to keep their vices at the proper level but you. Use your negotiating and compromising skills. Be a leader. You can be the one who shines in this situation. Don't let the argument get the best of you however. Remember this is not your drama and you are just a bystander.

Rewarding and good days for you in June Scorpio include the 3rd and 4th. The opening days of the month are always exciting. You love to see what you can do better from the month before. You will have money coming in, jobs will get done and you will be excited. On the 6th things go better and on the 8th you are asked to the boss's luncheon party. On the 9th you can finish what you started and on the 18th your home life is getting better and better. On the 28th have a family party and invite your best friends along for the ride. On the 29th you are excited about the vacation you are taking in July.

Really awful days that you need to watch out for Scorpio are the 7th and 11th of June. These are windy and rainy days and nothing will go right. On the 12th you will have a huge argument with a relationship partner and they will start to pack up. On the 14th you will find the doors locked at home and no one is there. On the 19th you get a traffic ticket and on the 25th you get another one. Maybe you should not drive so fast. On the 26th you and our relationship partner make up, but you are still tender from the last several days.


Horoscope for June 2014 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for June 2014