Horoscope for February 2015 for Pisces

Horoscope for February 2015 Pisces Pisces, on February 18th, you are looking forward to a good time since this may be your birthday month. You are on track to be perfect this month and shine in everything you put your mind to. You have perfected a creative pursuit, finished you family financial budget and taken care of issues and problems at work. You might be looking to run away this month and to do something different, but it will not be the right time. Don't overindulge this month. You may be physically harmed if you try extreme sports in February.

Venus, the Goddess of Love, is colliding with Neptune on February 1st. You might just literally collide with someone who sets your heart fluttering. Wow! This is love at first sight, almost like a movie. If you feel it, follow your intuition. Get their phone number or start a conversation.

Planets will be moving quickly through your house of personal finances and budgets the month. Take care you don't spend more than you have in February. You will feel impulsive urges to go shopping. Refuse these impulses if you can! Don't let anyone talk you into a warranty, and stop with the expensive nights out.

Between the 19th and 21st of February, there are planets moving in Aries who want to jump into your house of values. These include extremely difficult types of people so take a stand for what you believe in. It might be a person or an idea, but be prepared for a battle.

Great days for you in February, Pisces include the 1st and 7th. You are waking up with the first of February as a part of your aggressive tendencies to just get up and going. The 7th is a day when you regroup from difficult days. On the 8th you are getting ready to take a celebration day off. It will be awesome and relaxing at the same time. The 18th is a great day to begin signing papers for a new endeavor - be it a home, car or business. On the 25th take turns with a loved one in deciding where you will spend your money. On the 26th you will have the most awesome day celebrating the last of the month.

No so great days for you in February, Pisces, include the 5th and 6th. Days when you have no energy to get up and running. Projects get behind and you are criticized for you lack of motivation. On the 20th and 21st you are bogged down with a cold and it is so very difficult to get anything done. On the 22nd things get worse in the health department. Try and rest at home if you can. The 23rd of February brings you closer to the end of the month when projects need to be turned in. It's not okay that you are so far behind. Buck up and get working.


Horoscope for February 2015 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for February 2015