Horoscope for February 2015 for Aries

Horoscope for February 2015 Aries Aries, if you are single the Full Moon on February 3 will bring that situation to an end. The Full Moon happens in your house of lovers, and will bring one new admirer who is just your type. You want to get to know them better. If you are attached, walk away.

Venus the Goddess of Love is sneaking through your house of secrets. This is quite the romantic season with Venus in Pisces. You might have a hard time resisting affairs that are meant to be secret. Venus meets up with Neptune on February 1, but if you are already committed, make your love your best friend and romantic partner.

Venus is also the Goddess of money and possessions. When she jumps in your sign on February 20th, you will see how easy it is to have good things in your life. Thing will start turning your way and rapidly you will find yourself ahead of the game.

On the 20th and 21st of February you will have serious fireworks with an emotional playmate. Aries, Venus and the Moon make contact with Mars, your ruling planet and they all get together to keep you going. If you have been stewing about something you won't be able to keep it secret very much longer. Don't argue and battle with your love; keep things on an even keel.

Great days for you Aries are the 6th of February. You find yourself looking over your shoulder for a new love. He/she will be there. On the 7th of February days are balmy or so they seem. You are in love. After all this is the love month. On the 8th you are rewarded with accolades at work. You can seem to do no wrong. The 19th day is very rewarding when the Sun moves into your house of family. The 24th of February Aries is a day when everything goes right. Nothing is wrong and you are the star of the show. On the 25th you invest in a new car and it is awesome. The 26th is a wonderful day to take a road trip.

Challenging days for you in February Aries begin with the 1st. The beginning of the month is always time to get up and get plan organized done, but you have no energy. The 5th is a wonderful day to just stay at home in bed; you have a cold. On the 6th you are challenged to just get up. Now you have the flu. On the 21st your work project is rejected. You worked so long that this situation is a heartache. On the 22nd you are rewarded with nothing for your hard work on the previous assignments. What a bummer. On the 23rd you are not able to get your car started. Take the bus to work.


Horoscope for February 2015 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for February 2015