Horoscope for November 2014 for Libra

Horoscope for November 2014 Libra Libra, Venus and Jupiter form a square this month and both push each other into action. On the 9th of November you will want to be extravagant. It is fun but don't spend too much. If you find that your love wants more than you can give, protect your heart and ask them to leave.

On November 6th the Full Moon will occur in your house of intimate matters. Things will be done up in sensual Taurus and it will be a great time for you to get close to your love. Don't let our libido run away with your head. You can enjoy fun, but don't book any trips to the altar, yet.

Business deals that were wrapped up and ready to finish might stop moving on November 12th. Saturn will join with Venus in your house of money matters to make sure you are warned about joining with that partner. Do yourself a big favor. Look over contracts as close as you can to make sure everything is up front.

If you need to answer questions don't do so until November 25th. You don't like ultimatums and you do not work well with them. At this time, however you will need to stand your ground. If someone wants to let you go; then go. Let off steam and move on.

Fun days in November for you Libra include the 1st and 2nd plus the 3rd. Nothing can go wrong on these day and you are the perfect match for a new partner. On the 11th you will discover your desk has been cleaned and all the food spots washing away. Wonderful! The 20th of November is a day for rejoicing. You have decided to be a couple with a new love. You feel it will be grand and happy. On the 21st take your new love to meet your parents. All goes well and you are more convinced that this is the one right relationship. On the 28th you tell your coworkers about your new relationship and they rejoice.

Disturbing days in November Libra include the 8th and 9th. These days will challenge you do more than you physically can. Take heart however, on the 10th you will be asked to do even more. Your job hinges on how fast you finish projects. On the 13th you get a warning from your boss that your work is not up to par. On the 17th finish what you have done and go home early. You are catching a cold. The 18th is a terrible day. Stay home if you can. On the 22nd take the time to listen to your mate as they criticize and harass you. Go to work crying. The 25th is not such a good day either. It is a vacation day but you don't want to go to families' homes for anything.


Horoscope for November 2014 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for November 2014