Horoscope for May 2014 for Scorpio

Horoscope for May 2014 Scorpio Scorpio get in touch with your inner soul during May. Connect to your roots and spend more time and energy on home and family. You are a strong person in your own right, but you need family to complete you. Use your energy to find ways to improve family relationships and your home. This is a huge heartwarming cycle and it will do you good to explore who you are. From May 15th to the end of the month your house of nesting is illuminated. You come to your family and friends ready to perform. This is a playful period when you are inspired emotionally. Be protective of your feelings but always be willing to take risks. You love your children, your hobbies and your relationships partners.

Watch your finances from May 6th to the 28th. Don't be personal with what you have, keep your bank account balance a secret. Take time to budget and rethink summer plans. Don't just jump into any ideas that sound good. Group meetings and social outings may be postponed this month. Your friends seem a little distant.

Take time to rest this month. The summer is long and hard and it will be difficult to find the time just for you. Focus on your home and family this months and find time to redecorate and make improvements. This will give you freedom and comfort. From the 12th until the 28th there will be a loss of energy and a waning of interest in improvements. Keep going! If you stop in the idle things will look strange.

Let go of issues from the past. You will find that if you keep thinking about what you once desired and fantasized about your life will be very unpleasant. Events around the14th will give you the energy to research professional opportunities. Don't be distracted, just research.

Your good days are the 14th, 15th and 16th. The first of the month is okay, but these days will bring you energy, health and wealth. The paycheck you receive on the 15th is awesome! Finally you are earning your due. Take the time to say a kind word to a neighbor. Simple gestures go a long way.

Bad days include watching out for the 20th this is a day of rain. On the 22nd your new garden will be dug up due to sewer issues. Don't despair it only gets worse on the 23rd. Just don't go outside on the 24th and 25th. Look for the 30th and 31st to be okay; but a bit on the depressing side.


Horoscope for May 2014 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for May 2014