Horoscope for May 2014 for Cancer

Horoscope for May 2014 Cancer Venus is moving around in your house of relationships Cancer. She will leave toward the end of the month. Don't let confrontation get in the way of living a good life. Your partner will begin to warm up and be more willing to be affectionate. Your friends rally around you when you are feeling ill or have received bad news. Take care of family members during this month, Cancer.

A difficult with finances comes toward the middle of May. Weather through this bad patch by being realistic. Don't spend more than you absolutely need. Take on more work so you can stay ahead of the game. Whatever you do, do not apply for a loan during May. There will be delays and stumbling blocks.

From the 18th of May take advantage of educational opportunities. Take classes in your chosen field. You will ace them! You have a strong imagination during this time of May and you will find a real need to do something exotic.

Personal transformation will be highlighted during most of the month. You are intense in your disposition and very secretive. Take time to get in touch with your own personality. Look inside your soul. This is a very perfect time of the year. Take a leap of faith. Do something so different that you astound even yourself. It will empower you.

Do you remember when social life and comfort were a part of your plans? Financial and social success is going to come through your partner this month. You might want to give them special attention and flattery to work things to you advantage. Do unto others as you would like done unto you (or something like this) is perfect right now. May is about someone else and someone who is close to you. Smooth out your personal relationships! You need to stop the conflict and mean communications with a partner.

Health is particularly difficult during May. You have had a very hard winter with your health and now it is time to just sit in the Sun. The Sun is there to heal you; let it. Take care to eat well and those foods that are of best quality. Don't let others derail your health efforts.

Awesome days for you in May Cancer include the 3rd and 4th. The 5th is particularly fun since you can now eat all the spicy foods you want! The 10th and 11th are great days to walk in the park, dig in the dirt and play with your dog. The 20th and 21st are wonderful and should bring about a feeling of love with a partner. On the 30th be careful, but do have a happy attitude.

Evil days for you in May Cancer include the 1st. This is the beginning of the month and things are not going particularly well in your finances. On the 7th you will feel the effects of partying and need to take a day off. On the 12th and 13th you find that you have lost a substantial amount of money, but on the 17th you will find it. Anxious moments are all around you as you watch a sporting event and a little one in your family gets hurt. You will be okay and so will they. The 31st is a terrible day. Go back to bed.


Horoscope for May 2014 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for May 2014