Horoscope for May 2014 for Sagittarius

Horoscope for May 2014 Sagittarius From May 1st until May 18th your house will be highlighted by activity and productivity Sagittarius. You will be busy running errands, communicating with friends and generally active. You might feel like you have your finger in many pies and you are trying to get into more areas than you should. You come up with solutions to problems, but you are more inclined to be social than ever before.

From the 15th to the end of the month, the Sun will shine in your house of family. This is where your focus is during this period. Your proper concerns, heritage and family come into focus and are a source of pride. You are preoccupied with feelings of security. You want to send down roots and find a feeling of being somewhere. You might find yourself in a position of leadership. You are going to need to confront those in your family and handle their energy with your own.

Most of the month will be spent watching Mercury retrograde and affecting you in terms of communications. You will talk with superiors in your career and find new ways to work. You will also have huge arguments over joint finances that will get you into hot water with relationship partners. Don't argue, just hold back. Virgo and Gemini are also in your houses and you need to be sensitive to all of the issues going on in your family.

Great care needs to be taken when you communicate in letters, emails and phone calls. Be non-judgmental when you can. Don't let your ideas flood into being short and critical. You might have to revisit old issues with neighbors. Your errands might not get done during the end of the month and you may have transportation problems. Avoid idle chitchat on the 20th and 21th. There will be irritating repercussions. Allow extra time to get to appointments; you are going to be slow the last of the month.

Challenging days will be the 1st through the 3rd. Pay bill and do not argue with your partner. Make sure you pay yourself first. On the 5th and 6th work issues come up and co-workers will not defend you. On the 10th and 11th there will be meetings and seminars that are so boring you can't stand it. On the 17th and 19th you will not go on a shopping spree.

Rewarding days include 12th through the 14th. You will find a raise in your paycheck. The 20th is a grand day with social gatherings and warm weather. The 25th until the end of the month is highly productive and you will feel invigorated.


Horoscope for May 2014 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for May 2014