Horoscope for March 2014

Horoscope for March 2014 Energy is formed around the 30th of March and moves through the entire year. This energy comes from cross between Mars in Libra, Jupiter in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. Uranus moves into the New Moon and the world explodes with energy. Uprisings, crises and scandals plus panics seem to strike during March. Watch for more rumors about economic collapse and war. Listen to the cries of those who are being suppressed by angry governments.

The common currencies that are enjoyed in European countries will fall hard in March and Greece may be kicked out of the EU. The potential disruption of Europe's social and economic balance begins in March 2014 and continues for many years. Greedy spectators, arrogant politicians and general unrest are the result.

March is a powerful month. Those born in March are meant to rule and lead. Proud and determined people are born in March and the month brings on trend setting positions, ideas and growth. The Moon moves in March providing some down time. Closing chapters in life and trying something new is the sign of March 1st through the 15th. Search your inner soul as world events careen out of control.

New relationships and connections should be considered around the 20th of March for those who are spiritual and desire to form strong bonds with others. There are those in authority this month who look on their citizens with new eyes and feel that they need to reach out and make life better. Unfortunately March is not the month that is conducive to bringing people together. The end of March will bring Mars and Mercury clashing and fighting. This provides the perfect climate for rumors of wars and civil unrest.

New relationships tend to form during the spring months and March is no exception. Social life inclines to be more stable and secure during March and this year March 2014 will bring more maturity to lives. Support from those who are older and wiser than you will provide a great deal of advice and help. Renew ties to old friends and bring on more responsible feelings as Venus moves through houses of relationships on the 20th and 21st.

Mercury is favorable as it moves next to Saturn and Pluto. This union helps to bring discipline and meaning to work of a charitable nature. Be more productive and consistent when helping those who have been harmed by the weather patterns as well as the political climate. Working together is the only way to dramatically increase the power of charity. See yourself and your purpose clear around the end of March. This is the month to be charitable and deliberate in how you communicate with those around you. Watch your words on the 29th and 30th. They can cause problems if said wrong.


Horoscope for March 2014 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for each day of March 2014