Horoscope for March 31 2014

Horoscope for Monday 31st March 2014
March 31st march to your own drummer today. Be yourself and don't listen to what others are saying about you. Listen to the pros and cons of your love's ideas. If you find that you cannot agree with a committed partner, it might be time to move on.
Today Horoscope for AriesToday Horoscope for Aries:
Find a quiet place to relax today Aries. Unwind and listen to your own thoughts. You are often your own best judge of what needs to be done. Write down what you need to do to accomplish your tasks. Or, just read a good book.
Today Horoscope for TaurusToday Horoscope for Taurus:
Taurus you have been burned at work and your feelings are very tender, but you are too proud to let those you work with know you hurt. Keep your head high, know you are good, and be confident. You are a catch and the right person will come along some day. If you dated someone weird lately, give them a second chance.
Today Horoscope for GeminiToday Horoscope for Gemini:
Everyone wants to be your boss today Gemini. Pick and choose the advice you will take, but it might be best to take the advice of your immediate supervisor. Be alert to those issues that are harmful and take care of them first. Shine in the areas of communication.
Today Horoscope for CancerToday Horoscope for Cancer:
Cancer you are feeling great today, but you do need to be careful. Your waistline might expand more than you wish since you are very tempted to just eat everything in sight. Keep your sensible diet; no more sodas and candy for lunch! Avoid guilt by limiting yourself to one portion of sweets a day.
Today Horoscope for LeoToday Horoscope for Leo:
Looking a bit on the shabby side Leo. You might want to update your wardrobe. Play close attention to the little details today. If you make careless errors you will have to pay for them later. Don't let your mate intimidate you! Hold onto your pride.
Today Horoscope for VirgoToday Horoscope for Virgo:
Being shy is cute Virgo, but not when you are trying to find a soul mate. Take today to engage in good conversations with office mates. Ask friends to introduce you to their friends. Find your own true love by being upbeat and chatty. Use website tips to find a mate.
Today Horoscope for LibraToday Horoscope for Libra:
Career matters are a bit dicey today Libra. Hide under your desk and let the office politics go by. Avoid taking anything personal today. Larger problems than how you feel are being played out in the office. Things will improve. Just stay simple and alert.
Today Horoscope for ScorpioToday Horoscope for Scorpio:
Snacking is not good eating Scorpio. You love to eat sweets, nuts and sodas, but this is just bad form. If you want to be fat, keep it up but do try and cut down on the bad things you eat. Keep your eye on your weight goals and work hard to get that fantastic body.

Today Horoscope for SagittariusToday Horoscope for Sagittarius:
Forgive yourself for the mistakes you make Sagittarius. No one is perfect. Move on mentally and emotionally. Determine to stay successful today. Watch the intersection when crossing a busy street. Beware of road rage from others and keep your mind in gear when driving.
Today Horoscope for CapricornToday Horoscope for Capricorn:
Capricorn, listen to advice from friends on dating techniques if you are single. It is hard to be alone all summer so you need a companion. A friend of a friend will turn out to be someone very special. Do agree to blind dates when friends arrange them. They often turn out to be very entertaining.
Today Horoscope for AquariusToday Horoscope for Aquarius:
Aquarius there are conflicts with coworkers this morning. It is really just a fighting of egos rather than ideas. Be funny and use humor to deflect a serious situation. Dress the best you can when you head out to work. A good impression will enhance you career.
Today Horoscope for PiscesToday Horoscope for Pisces:
Pisces use your logical thinking cap when making decisions today. Communicate with those around you and be careful that someone in your office is brought into the team. Listen for useful information. Team projects alive with brainstorming ideas. Finish your work early today. You will need to get home early tonight.

Horoscope for a Day

Horoscope for March 2014
Horoscope for Yesterday March 30 2014