Horoscope for March 13 2014
March 13th avoid afternoon lectures, meetings and seminars. You do not have the attention span that is needed. Concentration is limited so just do small projects and avid the numbers and columns issues. Try not to finalize any business deals or work with family members on a complicated project. You need stimulation, but it is not forthcoming today.

When dealing with an uncomfortable situation Aries, try not to come off as patronizing. This can be so off-putting. Discuss the situation calmly and listen to conversation reactions. Be proactive with your reputation, there are those in the office who are trying to damage who you are.

Being confused is just a state of mind Taurus. You might not be on the right side of an issue but stick to your guns. Think things through before you talk and don't keep changing you mind. Reexamine what you are thinking and make changes where necessary. Don't apologize.

If you want to feel fun and free, try hanging around a group of kids. You might just find that you like it! Sign up for spring coaching in any sports venue that you love. Coaching kids will definitely bring you excitement, confusion and a great deal of laughter. Browse through coaching opportunities as soon as you can Gemini.

Looking for a new romance opportunity today Cancer? You just might find it sitting across the aisle from you. If you are in a committed relationship, today will bring romantic ideas. Stay open to new thoughts and challenges that come your way in regards to romance.

Be careful what you say to others today Leo. Words cannot be returned to your mouth once you have let them go. If you say an unproductive word to a loved one, it will be remembered and you will not be on the favorite list. On the flip side, don't let negative words hurt you. Sometimes people are only trying to help.

Take risks when you believe that you can overcome them. However, don't take part in aggressive negotiations or sports of any type today Virgo. Remember that money and competition makes people highly agitated. Avoid being hurt physically or emotionally.

Overspending makes you anxious Libra. Watch what funds you have and try to be a bit on the conservative side. You might just have a smile on your face when you discover that you have avoided going in the red in your checking account. Find a good friend and go for a walk. Watch out for puddles and slippery patches.

Make up your own mind Scorpio by research both sides of an issue. Don't rely on others to get you where you want to go. Stand by decisions and make a success of your goals. Keep up the exercise routines even during the cold month of March. Spring is just around the corner!

Take a confidence break and volunteer at a homeless shelter. Notice those around you; they are people just like you. Make a renewed effort to save and keep your family from going too far into debt. Seeing those who had much and lost it all is a very huge eye opener Sagittarius.

Feeling combative today Capricorn? When you are dealing with coworkers who will not get involved with projects you just get angry. There is no patience in your heart. Avoid team based activities today Capricorn and you will avoid stress and anxiety plus anger. Tomorrow things will be much better.

Small talk is hiding the real issues between you and a friend. They are very disconnected from you, but don't want to make you feel bad. Say what you mean and keep the little white lies under control. Why people want to hide behind words is not your concern. Be very careful Aquarius.

Someone in your office will knock the chip off your shoulder Pisces. Until you find a way to converse in a pleasant manner you will not get far in any situation. Watch your temper; don't let it get out of control. You might try meditating to balance your emotions. However you conquer this bad mood, please do it quickly.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for March 2014Horoscope for Yesterday March 12 2014
Horoscope for Tomorrow March 14 2014