Horoscope for February 2014 for Scorpio

Horoscope for February 2014 Scorpio Scorpio with Mars as your sub-ruler and Pluto your ruler, you should have very little trouble in February 2014. Pluto means power and transformation and those parts of you that are hidden. Let February be the month that brings out the best in you. Watch for changes that are occurring all around you. Of course some are good and some not so good but all changes will be challenging. Handle challenges with energy and avoid procrastination and complacency.

If you want to find answers to questions that have been haunting your soul, this month is a perfect time to research. Read metaphysical books and seek the advice of psychic mentors. Present your issues and thoughts to those who love you and ask them to help you locate a counselor. Work toward a better future Scorpio and let past heartaches go. Continually thinking about what might have been is counterproductive.

Career in February 2014 keeps taking off. You have new projects that you started last year and they will be finished by the 10th of February. Communicate with your team and they will speed ahead when you need them to. Do make major changes in your routines as needed to finish tasks and assignments. As you move forward through the month and the rest of the year, your finances will definitely improve as your career picks up.

February 2014 brings on a more intense and sentimental love life. The first of February will be very good for you and your relationship partner. You will look at love and life with clear eyes and avoid letting heavy emotions cloud what you are thinking. There is excitement in your life after the middle of the month. Watch for messages that increase passion, family life is highly enhanced, and a huge announcement will provide you with a sense of pride and happiness.

Pluto moving around your house of finances will bring good news and a financial period that is enhanced. A new responsible position in the financial area will help you do away with financial troubles. Sort out the issues that are making you crazy and be prepared to negotiate financial deals. February 1st through the 10th will be smooth, but the last half of February may pose serious financial difficulties. A proactive approach to finances will help you prevent financial hardships for the rest of the year. Stem the tide of bad fortune before you fall into financial quicksand.

General health is will be just the same as last year Scorpio. You do have the propensity to colds and flu, but if you take the proper precautions these little ailments will not be difficult. Enhance your life to provide physical and mental stamina. Watch out for depression that can come upon you around the 20th. Relax and improve who and what you are. Eat well and take your vitamins. You may have to take a family member to the emergency room around the 10th, but it will turn out to be a false alarm.

Your awesome lucky days, Scorpio are the 6th and 7th. Your love will be very surprised on the 14th and luck will be yours. On the 19th and 20th things are a bit on the dicey side as you begin to feel low. Don't let depressions take over your thoughts. Take the medications that may be prescribed for you. If you are persistent, your spirits will pick it up on the 27th and the 28th. Post-holiday parties will also perk up your emotions on the 22nd and keep your home life balanced to enjoy great announcements and possibilities on the 28th.


Horoscope for February 2014 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for February 2014