Horoscope for February 2014 for Gemini

Horoscope for February 2014 Gemini Gemini February 2014 brings ore financial improvement in your situation. Jupiter in your house of finances recompenses you with bonuses, rewards, and gifts. Your hard work is finally paying off! You might want to save the extra you are receiving in February 2014. Invest where you can and spend on your home improvement plans. February is an amazing month for you and plan now to use successful movement of planets to re-finance your home or purchase a new car.

Communication is the key work in February 2014. There are many essential errands that you need to accomplish and this is making you crazy! Try and organize errand runs into groups so you are not traveling out of your way. You are not feeling bored this month, but it is still the time to learn new skills that have to do with sales and marketing. Absorb methods of negotiating in your profession. Watch the doors open up!

As the month moves on you may find that colleagues become very negative and glum about their work situation. This almost makes you want to just throw in the towel and go it on your own. However, as Saturn turns in your sign you need to realize that "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." Do nothing drastic in your career. The atmosphere at work will ease up by the end of the month. You may have to keep working longer hours than you have previously, but just keep going. Others are noticing.

You have extremely good health this month due to taking care of yourself. You eat right and your exercise regimen is awesome. Do go to your dentist for the needed checkup, however and ensure that everything is right with your dental health. It is the mouth, after all, that is the opening for crazy germs and bacteria that can affect your entire body.

If you are in a committed relationship your love life will be awesome this month. Do beware of being too cool to be passionate. Emotions tend to disturb you and if you want your partner to complain, keep it up. Passion is something to be avoided, so you think, since it interferes with your ability to communicate and think deep thoughts. Try not to be so cool towards your love even if this is your true nature. If you are single there will be opportunities to meet romantic partners. Do socialize with friends and family; you may find your love already in your life.

Act on love especially on Valentine's. Give your committed love gifts that are unusual but wanted. If you are single, try and open up about love and do be generous. If you love someone, you can be lavish. Look for a love this month that is well-spoken and educated. Look for someone with similar interests and investigate deeper what you are both all about. Find somebody who is a good listener; you love to go into depth about many subjects. You love those who are like-minded and enjoy physical and emotional times, but you do want someone who can communicate on your level.

Spectacular days for you Gemini are definitely the 4th and 5th. You will find that many doors open for you on the 9th and 11th. Stay away from friends who are trying to talk you out of purchases on the 13th. Go out and socialize if you are not committed on the 14th and share in the joy of being with people. The 22nd and 24th are horrible days for you. Maybe stay home in bed. The 28th is awesome and you will go far in your money making plans on the 28th.


Horoscope for February 2014 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for February 2014