Horoscope for September 2013 for Gemini

Leisure time activities will connect you with people and Venus traveling through Libra and your solar house of family and friends pauses until the 10th and gives you wonderful family feelings from the 9th to the 28th. This is perfect for being kind to those you love. The New Moon also favors you with happy thoughts and times. You might just get a chance to become better acquainted with friends form far away.
September 2013 and the New Moon's influences will give you a great time for a new career. On the 19th you may find that letters in your favor come back and you will be called for an interview. The pace will pick up at your current work and you will have opportunities to make extra money. You might just get a great raise or a new job by the 20th.
Hurry, hurry and hurry is your motto the end of September 2013. You might just have a traffic accident if you hurry too much. Take precautions when you are exercising and walking. Provide a solid ground to avoid a sprain or break. This is especially necessary near the 9th and the 14th of September. Do be calm and sane during the rest of September and try not to cause a disagreement around the 25th.
Your wonderful days of September are 1st and 3rd plus the 6th and 8th. Have a great time with family and friends on the 12th and do work with others on the 16th. You will accomplish just about everything you set out to do in September 2013 on the 25th and the 30th.
Watch out for bad luck on the 7th and 9th plus the 13th and 14th. Do not walk around the block on the 15th or you will have an accident. Take care when pumping gas on the 20th and on the 26th beware, you will have a flat tire. Do note that financial matters will be stressful this month if you do not take time to budget what you can do. You will need to take into account that school is starting for children in your family and they do need new shoes. This can be a difficult time for you, but if you are clever you will get through it. Sometimes hard times help us to appreciate the good times in our lives. September 2013 is wonderful; take advantage of the weather and the colors.
Horoscope for September 2013 for each zodiac sign
Horoscope for September 2013- → Horoscope for September 2013 for Aries
- → Horoscope for September 2013 for Taurus
- Horoscope for September 2013 for Gemini
- → Horoscope for September 2013 for Cancer
- → Horoscope for September 2013 for Leo
- → Horoscope for September 2013 for Virgo
- → Horoscope for September 2013 for Libra
- → Horoscope for September 2013 for Scorpio
- → Horoscope for September 2013 for Sagittarius
- → Horoscope for September 2013 for Capricorn
- → Horoscope for September 2013 for Aquarius
- → Horoscope for September 2013 for Pisces