Horoscope for August 8 2013
August 8th can be a month when you take care of someone in your family who is hurting. It is time to be aware of those who have troubles and are in trouble. Maybe take them aside and talk to them about budgeting and doing what is right. Leaving out people who you claim are important to you is so very wrong.

Today Aries use you quick thinking ability to help your family today. Take care that you do not judge them but be happy for them. It is always good to have a friend to be there when you need them.

Try your hand at building something with wood today Taurus. You long to be a hands person and do things that make a difference in the world. Today is the right day to make sure you are okay with what life gives you.

Blend your talents in to a whole person Gemini and provide a home and living arrangements that are great and good for you. Take care that you are full of life today and give compliments to those who deserve them.

You might just have a new role as a leader of your department today Cancer. You have huge talents for organization and creating. Look for leadership opportunities today, Cancer.

Make sure yourself esteem is high today Leo. If you hear unkind comments today you will be in tears and just leave the situation. Try and bite your tongue. You are very mean when you are riled.

Virgo you have those friends you hold in high esteem for a lifetime. Keep up the good works and follow their examples. If you take care of yourself and your friends you will go far.

An unkind comment from you will have others in tears Libra. Mind what you say and give extra special attention to your love interest. You have a great career and you can express your enthusiasm by being happy.

Scorpio if you think about things before you speak, what you say will not will hurt others. An untimely remark will cause you great heartache and trouble. Beware of what you say ad how you say it today.

Sagittarius if you continue to be unemotional you will find that your relationship will suffer. Do not speak out of turn and do not tell people what you think without tempering your words. Take care and be kind to others.

Capricorn you have ambitious friends; and that is good. Use your creative side to plan a get together with friends tonight. Maybe go out to dinner. Someplace new might be exciting.

Aquarius, make sure your investment are in line today. You might have rentals that need fixing up and people who rent from you are needy. Take care of those who depend on you today and let them know that you care.

Pisces you are motivated when there is profit at hte end of the rainbow. Aren't we all? Do take care of your bank account and keep your reserves close to you. Loan only when you have the funds; knowing you will never get anything back.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for August 2013Horoscope for Yesterday August 7 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow August 9 2013