Horoscope for August 23 2013
August 23rd do avoid adding a roommate to your living condition or taking on a new relationship. Signs in the heavens state that this is not a good day for companionship. You might find that you argue more, or someone will want to walk away. Take today as a day for yourself and avoid deepening relationships.

Want to go on a road trip Aries? This might be the day when you take a break from the usual and drive to a neighboring community. Discover the delights that are in that locale; maybe a farmer's market or an antique sale? Spread you wings a bit.

Taurus you are going to find that there is conflict in your new relationship today. You do not have great luck with relationships. Look inside yourself and discover what the problems are. Maybe you want too much.

Gemini, take care to do what you do best. Those in your family need your care, but you might want to find a new job to take your mind off family duties for a time. You do need the funds in your bank account. Staying home is great, but eating is better.

Ups and downs today Cancer. The morning will start out crazy with dog grooming and mother's complaining. But the afternoon will be awesome. Maybe since you are taking an hour off, go do some shopping.

Leo, try not to be impatient. Please go to school and take care of what needs to be done in that venue. If you are changing living locations; good luck.

Virgo there are people who want to be with you; let them. Do not stray from your ideas and principles and take care that your virtue remains intact. Eat well and sleep better tonight.

In a rare moment of clarity Libra you will discover that there are those who are talking to you and they are lying. This is horrible! People may be telling you want they want you to hear and not what is truth. Weed out the things you know are right and throw away the lies.

Scorpio you need sympathy today. However if you have not been caring to others they will not be caring back. Listen to all the facts of a subject. Make decisions when you are certain what you want is right.

Sagittarius you have problems in your relationship, but they are going to be worked out today. Make today a day for play. Take your love and plan activities that both of you love and can share. Be corporative when in group activities. Show that you care by providing responsible moments.

Capricorn, stay clever about your working habits today. Make assignment fun and interesting. Bring group interactions into you projects and make it a working day, but a fun day. Go to lunch and eat well.

Aquarius, take the lists and goals you have written down and look them over. If you have reunions and family traditions make plans to go. Call your entire family to ensure that they are okay. If you are prepared you will not fail.

Pisces use your talents and provide an atmosphere that is magical and loving. Listen to those around you today and process their thoughts. Do not be grumpy and mean in family settings; honey catches more flies than vinegar.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for August 2013Horoscope for Yesterday August 22 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow August 24 2013