Horoscope for August 17 2013
August 17th needs to see heath, exercise, nutrition and service. Taking are of yourself is the best gift you can give to you and to your family. Go to a gym and learn new workout techniques and look through recipe books to find vegetarian dishes.

Aries you might find a great deal of weight being put on your body if you do not exercise at least 30 minutes per day. You might also gain great gobs of weight if you eat nothing but potato chips and coke for lunch. Bring your own lunch to the office and eat better.

Taurus you might need to find balance between eating and exercising. Your job is active, but it is the wrong type of exercise. If you don't cut down on weight starting today, you will have health problems in the future.

Find new recipes that are healthy for your family. Tacos and hamburgers are tasty, but they are not good for a regular diet; especially if you go out and get them. Find your serious side and help your family learn new health routines Gemini.

Cancer you might just want to express your love to someone today. Come out of your box and do be kind to those around you. If you feel that you are overwhelmed, you might want to take things off your plate. Actions speak louder than words.

Leo, find leadership today. If you are emotional and feeling down today, it is a good idea to cry when you need to. Organize and analyze your tasks, your bank balance and your friends. You are up to the challenge of change and do enjoy the attention.

If you focus on what you need to do today Virgo you will make great progress. Move at a fast pace to make sure everything gets done. If you keep working on one assignment either at home or work at one time they will soon be finished.

Libra, send out resume today. Test the waters and see what is out there that might be more fulfilling than what you are doing. It is a good idea to get a jump on the open positions before the winter sets in.

Drive carefully today Scorpio. Crazy driving of you and others might just land you in an accident or with a ticket. Make sure you do not text and drive or that is a horrendous fine! Get to your destinations safely today.

Sagittarius, keep working hard! Tie up loose ends before you take time off your work. Do go home and get organized and pack all you need for your vacation. Have a great time knowing you are totally prepared.

Capricorn you have great friends that support and love you. You will need them even more today. Call a long-lost friend and gossip about what you are doing. You will be very invigorated!

You may find that your intuition and thoughts are very near to you heart today Aquarius. Find room in your soul for subliminal messages that speak volumes. You may find that good thoughts will take you far in life.

Pisces you might find that the money you loaned to a friend is paid back today Pisces. If you are surprised, don't show it. Do try not to lend money to friends and relatives during any month of the year. Lending money will add stress to your life.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for August 2013Horoscope for Yesterday August 16 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow August 18 2013