Horoscope for August 1 2013
August 1st is a fun summary day and the beginning of the reunion season. Go to family reunions and resolve past differences and petty arguments. Hug your cousins you used to play with and take time to listen to their stories. Pat little children on the head and be amazed that your ancient auntie is still alive. Reunions can be very interesting.

August 1st, Aries is a time when you need to look at events from someone else's view. Learn how to be more of a people person and think about others rather than just you all the time. Take friends to lunch and pick their brains.

Taurus commonsense today will give you the tools to find friends and partnerships. It's not all about just working hard, but working smart. You are a bit slow when you try and get things done, but being thorough is a good trait.

Gemini being restless can lead to different jobs and venues. If you are highly restless you will do inconsistent work and assignments will not get done. Know that what you do today will affect the rest of the month. Take care to work smart.

August 1st, Cancer and it is your opinion that the world is full of unhealthy people. You are so tired of trying to take care of those who are continually ill in our home. You never seem to get sick so your family takes advantage of you. Sit on the porch for a bit and ignore the ringing bell.

Leo let go of your ego and the feeling that everything is about you. Trying to stay in a relationship will never work if you are selfish. Look at the world from other's perspective and try to think about what they are feeling. Stop being so into yourself.

Virgo use you talents of organizing and planning and put them to good use for the family reunion that is supposed to happen this month. Keep your finances tight and make sure your checkbook is balanced. Avoid stress by being organized.

Find balance in your life today, Libra. It would be so awesome if everyone would just get along! Meditate and listen to what you want to do. Find peace in yourself before working on the rest of the world.

Scorpio, find a way to positively be funny but constructive today. Don't be vindictive and revengeful. Remember that revenge is a "dish best served cold."Take your time when getting back at others who have hurt you or your family. Do be wise, however about how you go about getting restitution.

Sagittarius being highly energetic and full of vim and vigor is fun for your partner. They love it when you are out of control, funny, and resourceful. Take someone you love out to dinner tonight and give them the time of their life. Then, tomorrow go to work and be quiet again.

Capricorn being organized and a list maker is a great trait when all around you are in chaos. Take August 1st and plan out the rest of the month. This will keep you from being unorganized and stressed. Make sure you schedule in plenty of relaxation and fun for both you and your family.

Aquarius individuality is great and set you apart from the crowd. Try not to go around your co-workers and change and rework their projects. That might be good for some assignments, but it can also bring you dislike and evil glances.

You always try to do the right things in all situations Pisces. Do follow what you feel is right but be ready to compromise if others have different ideas. You are not always right, but you are always enthusiastic.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for August 2013Horoscope for Tomorrow August 2 2013