Horoscope for August 14 2013
August 14th Relationships are a bit muddy today. You might find that everything goes wrong today. Your appliances are broken, your fingernails are broken and you just don't want to carryon. Strange attitude. Find something better to think about than your petty disappointments.

Aries browse through the e toy section of your favorite store and find something that you know you would love if you were a kid. It might be fun to give it to a homeless child or even a child in our neighborhood. Little things go a long way.

If you don't slow down Taurus you will crash and burn. There is always a tomorrow to finish assignments. If you want to ruin someone else's life, just continue being stubborn and angry.

Read up on current news stories Gemini. You will need to host a conference where current events are a feature story. To ensure you know what you are talking about, you might want to take a current affairs class.

The Moons is your ruling orb Cancer and today you might want to take heed of what the moon is telling you. Try and do what is right and start reading those books that will give you a source of confidence.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself Leo. Go to a second hand store and find neat things to enhance your living environment. Buying always makes one feel great and finding bargains is a bonus.

Look at the big picture Virgo. See what is in your future and start looking for little things that will enhance what you have both physically and mentally. Little things make up the big picture.

What are you going to do with your raise Libra? It isn't much but it will add to your bottom line. Maybe talk with your significant other and get the details.

Scorpio relationships are difficult to maintain, but if you are unselfish you can do it. There are very unpredictable influences surrounding you so you do need to be aware. A competitor might just find something to "trump" you. Watch and be very careful at work today.

Sagittarius you might wish you were anywhere but in your job. However you do need to find the items you love abut your job. Write them down. Look forward to a restful weekend with loved ones.

Capricorn a gift is coming your way today and it is going to be a surprise. There is someone out there trying to lift your spirits and make you happy. Power struggles need to be let go and you must rise above the fray.

Aquarius friends are very necessary at all seasons of the year. Find a place among your circle of friends that makes you happy. You might want to be the ring leader and show your friends that there are great places for fun that are very safe in your town.

Pisces creativity and fun are your traits today. Make a special dinner for your family and do be creative. It will be fun and you will get high praise and gratitude. Show your family that being kind is where it is at. Don't try and outdo someone at work.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for August 2013Horoscope for Yesterday August 13 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow August 15 2013