Horoscope for August 28 2013
There are those today on August 28th who will not be very truthful an upfront with you. With that in mind take care to listen to questions and answers, stories and tall tales. Take your time deciding what is right and what is wrong. Do not listen to those you feel are lying to you.

You are in the spotlight at work today Aries. Don't let those who are counting on you down by doing shoddy jobs and making light of the company. Take time to listen to your children at dinner tonight; they have great insights.

Taurus you are very intelligent and you tend to look down on those who are not as smart as you. This may get you into trouble today while in social gatherings. Let others know that you smart, but do not let them think you are cocky.

Gemini differences of opinions with others are always happening. It is how you deal with these differences that makes or breaks the "man." If you embark on an adventure in learning make sure you understand that you are learning .... not teaching. Keep your opinions to yourself.

This is summer vacation time for children Cancer and they might just get their schedules crossed and forget to tell you about events that are coming up. You need to keep a cool head and continually ask about what is going on. Be nurturing this summer.

You have a great decision to make Leo. Do you stay with a spouse or do you leave? This is always hard, but if you married for the wrong reasons, you might need to reconsider what you have done.

Virgo, keep taking care of business today. Get back to work and finish assignments. Those who are important to you need you to be there for them. No matter how awful situations are for your family, you can always find those who are much worse off than you.

Go to parties if you want and do make sure that you are not drunk when the party is over. Have a designated driver if you do drink too much. Take care, Libra that you do not jeopardize your reputation.

Scorpio you have family ties that keep you strong. Listen to your inner soul and follow your intuition. Your gut feelings will not fail you. If you look toward the past you will see the future.

Sagittarius your family picks you to lead them to the reunion. Everyone is running trying to finish last minute details, but you are ready and able to give them advice. Be calm and collected and listen to your love. They have the best ideas.

Capricorn, do not make hasty decisions today in either love or money. You will regret what you do today if you are hasty. Listen to your partner and ask others about how they handle your same situation. Do not be over cautious, however, that is also not the best way to handle situations.

Aquarius, keep your regular schedule today. Do not vary from what you usually do. If you want spontaneity, wait for another day. The planets are not aligned right and if you do something spontaneous you may just find yourself out in the cold.

Pisces make decisions based on logical information rather than psychic ideas. You need all your faculties today to make the right decisions in love and money.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for August 2013Horoscope for Yesterday August 27 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow August 29 2013