Horoscope for August 6 2013
It is never too late or too early to think about others. On August 6th you might just want to turn the other cheek. Think about someone other than yourself and try to visit a homeless shelter and donate blankets for the upcoming winter. Search for a charity and donate to a shelter.

Aries, be assertive and aggressive when finishing projects and assignments, but avoid being more than you are at home. You are not the majesty of everything around you and you do need to remember that. Everyone else in your family has an opinion and it may not be the one you have, but it is worth listening to.

Taurus you can be the best family member if you want to be. You are hardworking and a good person to be around. Keep up the attitude of helpfulness today and try to make amends for the things you have done wrong. It might take a bit, but you can do it.

Gemini, keep working hard today to make sure your coworkers know you are serious about your job. You can be so funny sometimes, but it does make people question your motives.

August is always a good month to go to the beach. Have a great time while you are swimming and taking care of duties. Do be aware that there is danger in the continual sun today Cancer. Wear a hat when you garden.

Leo you are now alone in the world. Some of you however are awesome and worthwhile. But there are those of you who have burned all their bridges. Make sure you are not the "burned" Leo.

Organization is your key strength Virgo. As you work through your daily activities remember that being organized is what gets you through assignments quickly. Take care that you say "I love you" to your mom today.

Make tonight special for your partner, Libra. You can be so highly romantic and this will take you. Be happy and secure in knowing that you are loved.

Scorpio you must stop giving and spending so much today. You are being generous, and that is good, but you can be generous with your time. Time does not cost you funds from your bank account.

Sagittarius you are very blunt and sometimes say what is on your mind in a very caustic manner. Take care to speak kindly today when talking to your boss. You will not have a great day if you give away too much.

Capricorn work quickly today to get your assignments done. You can clean your entire home in two hours, garden in one hour, and go for a walk for thirty minutes. See? You are highly productive

Aquarius you love to be with people and today is no exception. Take charge of a meeting with all the vigor you can muster and make it interesting to the attendees. Stop being so fidgety, however, and keep the computer on for a bit longer than usual.

Pisces take care when crossing the street today. Do look both ways. This is a great lesson to teach the little children you are in charge of. If you follow these rules yourself, they will follow you.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for August 2013Horoscope for Yesterday August 5 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow August 7 2013