Horoscope for August 2 2013
August 2nd is perfect to determine if your attitude is leading you to success or just leading you down a garden path that points to nowhere. Have you ever thought that attitude is what drives success? If you believe you can do something, you will probably be able to accomplish that goal. Keep trying.

Aries jumping in to get tasks accomplished is very admirable. Today you need to just "jump in" to assignments. There is one task on your plate that must be done by the end of work today. You can get it done if you are diligent.

Taurus you tend to have a goal and a purpose to every task that you do. If you cannot get everything accomplished in a day you do tend to get a bit on the irritated side. Remember that not everything can be done in a day. Keep up the good work, however.

Communicate with others today Gemini and particularly with your partner. Quit making plans without involving your partner. Discuss what needs to be done around the house or in regards to family and get a consensus. Working together is your strong point Gemini.

Cancer day for nurturing is August 2nd. That also means to take care of you. With so much on your plate, you might need to just take a mini-vacation away from all those who are clamoring for your attention. This is okay; you don't have to do everything for everyone all the time.

Give of our time today Leo. Volunteer at a shelter or donate blood. Ignore the drama of others and especially if it is directed at you. Find a new place to live and learn to be happy with yourself.

Virgo, don't be so analytical when doing simple lists of things to do and goals to accomplish. It could drive you crazy. Listen to you friends when they tell you to come out in the sunshine. If you stay inside all day you will get sick.

Libra read the paper this morning or look on the internet for news. You will also find that there are many volunteer type jobs you can do to fulfill a need of being someone. You have a great capacity to help; find somewhere to help today.

Scorpio trying to find out information and relay it successfully is very important to you. You can take a very difficult topic and find out all you can about it. You are then able to put it into a presentation and make it sound interesting. This will be your task today.

Work to your limits today Sagittarius and your assignment will get finished on time. Work hard today and accomplish more than you ever have before. This is what you need to do to make sure you are buttoned up. Don't hesitate to ask for help from co-workers today.

Put all your plans into action today Capricorn. Direct your team and make sure that the assignments and presentations you are preparing are done well and within the parameters of your company. Rewards will come your way today because of your perseverance.

Aquarius, go out tonight and celebrate the last month of summer. Network with those you work with and get different ideas on how to finish assignments and where to place the details. Do not do assignment on you own unless you are very sure of what you are doing.

Pisces create though a very hands-on medium today. You have a bit of trouble expressing your views, but you can write or sculpt anything you want. Dreams tonight will give you answers to puzzling questions Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for August 2013Horoscope for Yesterday August 1 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow August 3 2013