Horoscope for March 2012 for Libra

Horoscope for March 2012 Libra Your social skills and interactions are through the roof this month, as is your ability to communicate effectively with everyone in your circle of friends and coworkers. This communication skill spills over into your romantic life as well and you may discover you reach new heights of ecstasy simply by sharing your innermost feelings with the one you love. Things are going to get even hotter than they have been, so look out!

Speaking of romance, the week between the 11th and the 17th is when you'll really want to let your amorous ambitions have their freedom. You will find all sorts of new opportunities for dating and meeting wonderful new romantic possibilities. Though you're going to be anything but lonely during this period, this is probably not the best time to be picking out silverware patterns. The simple number of romantic possibilities all but precludes your ability to think clearly now when it comes to long term romantic entanglements. Don't rush into anything now, particularly with someone you've not known for that long. This is a time for fun, not commitment.

Earlier in the month you should be careful with your health. It's all too easy to let things go when you're operating at your current pace, but now the time has come to take a long, hard look at your physical well-being and take whatever steps may be necessary to bring your body back in line with your own body-image. If you have been thinking about some sort of new exercise regime, even if that means only getting outside once a day for a brief walk around the block, now is the time to get going with that. A sedentary lifestyle will work against you in the end.

You could be feeling any kind of stress right now. With your energy at an unusually low point, even the smallest little problems may seem all but insurmountable. Certainly, small issues seem bigger than they would under other circumstances. Don't allow yourself to be carried away on this current of negativity. Instead, think of all the wonderful, positive things going on in your life and focus on those instead. Also, make sure to avoid exposure to germs, bacteria and other physical contagions if at all possible. You're unusually susceptible right now.

Your sexual landscape is changing somewhat and physicality becomes more important to you than it has been in some while. If you're with a new partner, chances are you're still in "learning mode" and the things you're picking up create a greater sense of excitement and urgency than you've experienced in some time.

Later in the month you may feel a need to recuperate from the hectic first few weeks. Certainly you have a rest coming, but don't use this time to slump back into "couch potato" mode or you'll lose the advances you've made throughout the month.

Your financial life is running along on a fairly even keel right now and you have access to the cash you need to take care of your expenses. In fact, you extra income may give you thoughts of chancy investments. Now would indeed be a good time to put some of that money to work for you, but not more than you can afford to lose should the deal sour.

Horoscope for March 2012 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for March 2012