Horoscope for October 2014 for Taurus

Horoscope for October 2014 Taurus Mercury will move backward on October 4th and he will rule over your house of relationships Taurus. Redoing old relationships can be productive, but be aware of what went wrong the first time. Make a plan to not make the same mistakes twice.

From October 4th though October 25th it will be difficult to stay on track with other's people's schedules. Mercury is influencing your house of relationships and causing havoc. Forget your own plans if they are not so important and go with your love's issues. It will create peace and harmony in your life.

Around October 8th and then again on the 11th, you will want to decide whether you need to work overtime or not. You have given up so many evenings to your career. You efforts won't go unnoticed. Toward the end of the month you will see a higher commission. Explain to your love and family why you are never home.

A Solar Eclipse in Scorpio and your house of relationships happens on October 23rd. You will have the compulsion to change relationships at a moment's notice. Stay calm but rehearse what you will say so breakups won't hurt. If you don't want to hurt someone, you might not want to say anything and just stay together.

Rewarding days for you in October 2014 Taurus are the 5th and 13th. You finish assignments at work and you are praised for your diligence and hard work. On the 14th you get asked to write the company mission statement which could e a blessing in disguise. On the 15th you get paid a great deal of money for work you have done in the past and on the 26th you purchase a new car. The 27th is awesome when you find your car insurance lowered its rates. The 28th is very rewarding as you get ready for Halloween and the activities that surround this event.

Days that will challenge you Taurus include October 4th. This is not a good day to engage in any type of communication activity. You will lose debates and arguments. On the 7th and 8th you must take time to organize your desk and paperwork that is much needed for assignments. On the 16th things are chaotic at home and work and you are almost at your wits end. On the 22nd and 23rd, nothing seems to go right. You get a flat tire, lose all track of time, spill on your good work clothes, and have to tell a love goodbye. What could be worse than this!


Horoscope for October 2014 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for October 2014