Horoscope for October 2014 for Cancer

Horoscope for October 2014 Cancer Cancer, on the 10th of October 2014 Mercury will move into your house of home and family. You have a second chance to do good for the family and you. You have been at odds with them for a long time and now you need to fix the problem. You probably haven't had time to talk and work things out. Do it on the 10th and find your life rewarding.

Venus will pass through your house of relatives, children and friends this month. You are feeling nostalgic and want to make amends with those you broke away from. Extend your hand, but don't be surprised if it is bitten off. It will take more than a friendly handshake to get attitudes back on track.

On the 5th of October 2014 a coworker you have like for a very long time will tout your virtues to your boss. You are a bit embarrassed, but you are also called into the office. You get an earful about our virtues and a nice reward could be coming to you.

Look your best on the 5th and 6th of October 2014 Cancer. You will be held up as a role model for new workers and expected to lead them through the office. On the 13th your day will be rewarding as you head toward the lunch room. Many people want to sit and talk to you about new ideas on your successful project. You are the person of the hour. On the 14th take the time to list all the good you have done and smile. On the 15th find a good amount in your paycheck. Be happy and don't blow it all in one place. On the 23rd you are happy to be at home taking care of household chores. Nothing is better than friends and family. On the 27th of October 2014 you happily sign the papers for a new car and on the 28th go on a fun but short road trip.

There are always days that challenge your resolve and your spirit. The 3rd and 4th of October 2014 are two such days. Watch what you say and do not stir the pot. Avoid gossip at all costs. The 7th of October 2014 is a birthday you forgot and you are given the cold shoulder. On the 8th watch out for crazy drivers and maybe use public transportation. On the 11th avoid all public restrooms. On the 16th be aware of the weather and take an umbrella with you to work. Stay home on the 24th and nurse your family back to health. This puts you way behind on your assignments at work. On the 26th you are now ill. Stay in bed, keep warm and drink plenty of fluids.


Horoscope for October 2014 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for October 2014