Horoscope for February 2013 for Gemini

Horoscope for February 2013 Gemini You are on an emotional roller coaster this month Gemini. You have relatives that are telling you their hardships and you just want to hold onto your head and scream. You may want to vent your emotions in a positive way and bring them back to an even keel. Find friends you can relax with and try not to explode.

You are a great communicator Gemini and this makes you the master of collecting trivia. Mercury is your ruling planet and strives to convince you that the more you listen the more you learn. Keep information to yourself when you hear it and don't pass on secrets.

You love to multitask and you juggle the demands of your life very well. However, you do need to keep organized and particularly in the month of February. Your short attention span makes it difficult to keep your attention on one thing for very long. If you are interested in something; you will stay with it for hours. Satisfy your curiosity this month and do remain positive and use unique approaches to problems.

On the 10th of February the New Moon in Aquarius will prick you mind with the need to find fresh scenery. You may want to plan a winter trip and go see someone different. You might have business travel this month or just a weekend getaway. Satisfy your spirit of adventure by reading, going to a local museum, or watching the Discovery Channel.

Family relationships are thriving under the Full Moon and you are happy with everything in your life relationship wise. You and your partner are thinking along the same lines and this is a rare but happy occurrence!

As Mars moves into Pisces you may realize a two-month period of career activity. You might feel overlook around the 15th but a new career opportunity will definitely present itself. Be calm on the 26h of February and definitely send out resumes on the 12th.

This is an upbeat career month, Gemini but when Mercury retrogrades on the 23rd of February and you may find yourself back in a look-out for work mode. Rest assured it will only be short-lived.

On the 1st, 5th, 8th, 22nd and 24th you will be highly rewarded with good luck. However you do need to watch your back on the 4th, 7th, 13th and 26th of the month and make sure you are aware of conditions that can cause chaos and unrest.

Horoscope for February 2013 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for February 2013