Horoscope for September 2012 for Scorpio

There are four planets moving into your house of shared finances. You want to have heated discussions over money issues and what your love is spending out of combined funds. This might be a time to set guidelines for spending and to budget what you have. Do be aware, however, that if you are a dictator, you will fail in your goals for money management. Be kind and on the 10th of September you may find that little things get your farther in your relationship.
The full moon in September is highly family oriented. Your axis of money will be illuminated. Around the 20th or 25th old matters with shared finances come up again and arguments begin. Do be aware that you may lose you love if you persist in being difficult to work with. Remain calm and emotional when talking about budget and money. No matter what comes up, Scorpio you need to know that Jupiter has your back. Don't worry. You will be okay.
Your lucky days this month are the 6th and 7th Scorpio. Go the extra mile and be rewarded in both your professional and personal life. The 11th and 12th are great days to finish outdoor projects and get ready for the summer season. On the 17th discover that your paycheck is higher than usual and on the 19th you may find that you have to give back your windfall. A mistake was made. It is okay. Your company is allowing you to keep the windfall. They will take it out of your next check. The 24th is a great day for talking a walk in the park. On the 30th play with children. If you don't have children, borrow some or just take your dog for a much needed exercise run.
Challenging and unlucky days in September for you Scorpio include the 1st and 2nd. Projects are on tap and your team is getting restless. They are blaming your for things that are not done. On the 3rd and 5th days are warm and sunny. You can feel spring heating up and you can hardly wait to plant those little seeds you have bought. Beware. Frost will damage crops. On the 16th you are angry at your coworkers and arguments start about projects and time tables. The 25th is an awful day. Everyone needs a day to stay home and sleep all day. The 25th is that day for you.
Horoscope for September 2012 for each zodiac sign
Horoscope for September 2012- → Horoscope for September 2012 for Aries
- → Horoscope for September 2012 for Taurus
- → Horoscope for September 2012 for Gemini
- → Horoscope for September 2012 for Cancer
- → Horoscope for September 2012 for Leo
- → Horoscope for September 2012 for Virgo
- → Horoscope for September 2012 for Libra
- Horoscope for September 2012 for Scorpio
- → Horoscope for September 2012 for Sagittarius
- → Horoscope for September 2012 for Capricorn
- → Horoscope for September 2012 for Aquarius
- → Horoscope for September 2012 for Pisces