Horoscope for September 2012 for Cancer

Horoscope for September 2012 Cancer Decan 1 (born Jun 21st to Jul 1st): There could be some added tension in the workplace this month, especially because the "big boss" is placing new responsibilities on your shoulders (this is a consequence of the influence of the New Moon in Virgo on the 15th, which happens in your 3rd house - Communications). Instead of becoming nervous or to run away from these responsibilities, know that the Universe is right there by your side, so put on your brave face and charge ahead. On September 6th, Venus enters Leo and your romantic interactions will definitely be running after you. If you are single, this could be an excellent opportunity to find someone special. If you are in committed relationship, expect too feel extra affectionate; it won't be a bad thing, especially because it will be reciprocal. However, keep an eye out for the square Uranus will be creating to Pluto, which will be imposing some changes in the collective mindset. It's a time of significant beginnings and inevitable endings.

Decan 2 (born Jul 2nd to Jul 12th): Your decan will be suffering some strong planetary impacts during September 2012. Throughout the entire month, Venus and Mars will be parked the entire month in your 1st House (Personality), so your charisma will act as a magnet to the people around you. Since the ruler of your decan (Pluto) becomes direct on September 18th, financial concerns will dominate this month, but they will likely be stricken by a positive note. Since Pluto becomes direct, you will have direct and real impacts on practical areas of your life. Combine this with the influence of the New Moon in Virgo on the 15th and you will definitely see some real actions occurring. It's the perfect opportunity to break free from the shackles of the past. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Libra and your 12th house and it's time to work alone. Partnerships, associations and even personal relationships may very well be fated somehow. However, Venus is still in Leo, so make sure you are able to balance out the need to spend time with those you love with your need to spend some time alone.

Decan 3 (born Jul 13th to 22nd): Well, it's the perfect month to get promotions, kudos and appreciation in the workplace. The Full Moon on August 31st will have a great impact on your decan, setting the tone for the month ahead. As Venus enters Leo on September 6th, you will feel quite flirty and even frisky and you should take the opportunity to spend some time with the people you love. If you are single and craving for some TLC, this is an excellent period to get under someone's skin. You might even be surprised by the extra amount of attention you are receiving. Finances are also greatly benefitted and a financial windfall, the fruit of your work, could be headed your way. Despite all of these positive vibes, September 2012 will also suffer from a square Uranus will be creating to Pluto, bringing along some stress and anxiety. Focus on the good things!

Horoscope for September 2012 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for September 2012