Horoscope for September 2012 for Leo

Horoscope for September 2012 Leo Decan 1 (born Jul 23rd to Aug 2nd): Well, the star of the month is Venus, which will enter your sign (and decan) on the 6th. This means one thing: romance is definitely in the cards for the next couples of month and these opportunities only come every so often. You need to be careful though: Venus is stationed in your 1st house (Personality) and you might end up becoming overbearing and too demanding in your personal relationships, which could cause some issues. If you are single and looking for love, enjoy the heightened charisma. The New Moon in Virgo, precisely at the middle of the month, will give some fantastic opportunities to start fresh, particularly in the work front. Practical matters will occupy your mind, so roll up your sleeves! On the 22nd, your ruler - the Sun - enters Libra and the emphasis, once again, will be placed on personal relationships. Teamwork will probably help you a lot during this period, so open your mind to other people's ideas.

Decan 2 (born Aug 3rd to 12th): The Piscean Full Moon on August 31st will mark the rhythm for the first couple of days of September, so don't be surprised if you feel drawn to your family and to spend some time at you house. This is only a momentary influence and you will be back to your fiery self before you know it, especially because on the 6th, Venus enters your sign, boosting your overall mood, charisma and creating a ridiculously awesome romantic vibe around you. This energy will be also assuredly boosted by the New Moon that happens on the 15th (in Virgo), making this the perfect opportunity for new beginnings across all areas of your life. The month closes off under the powerful clash between Uranus and Pluto, but since the Sun enters Libra (22nd) and the Full Moon happens in Aries (30th), the negative vibes will likely be diminished. As the Sun enters Libra, the emphasis will be once again in the people around you, especially how these can influence your personal money and value.

Decan 3 (born Aug 13th to 22nd): Your decan will receive some excellent planetary influences this month, so enjoy, Leo! The beginning of the month may be a bit slow, influenced by the Full Moon of August 31st in Pisces, the perfect period to review your personal interactions and your place in the world. This will be a very healthy enhancement to your brain power, which will be soaring high during the month. On the 6th, Venus enters your sign, so be prepared to radiate warmth, kindness and charisma. It could be the perfect opportunity to meet someone new or to boost tired relationships. On September 15th, the New Moon happens in Virgo (together with the Sun and Mercury on the same sign), which will make you focus more on practical subjects, especially related to your professional career and health. The month tappers off with the Full Moon directly influencing your decan and you should consider moving closer to your dreams, since the Universe will be there to support you!

Horoscope for September 2012 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for September 2012