Horoscope for August 2012 for Gemini

Horoscope for August 2012 Gemini Decan 1 (born May 21st to 31st): Last month, your 3rd house (communications - your strong point) became quite strong, but since Mercury was retrograde, you experience quite some glitches along the way. From the 8th onwards, Mercury becomes direct once again, and you will be able to shine your true colors again! However, the setbacks may come back later on the month, since the Sun will be opposing Neptune from the 22nd to the 25th: measure your words carefully and be careful about making long-term commitments (contracts, associations, etc.). During the last part of the month, the planets begin moving to the West, which puts an emphasis on the people around you, an aspect that is quite benefitted from the presence of Venus in your sign. This presence also allows for some interesting financial gains, so keep your eyes open and your senses in tune.

Decan 2 (born June 1st to 11th): On July 4th, Mars entered your decan; on the 8th this month, Venus will move from the West to the East. So the month ahead will definitely be a cycle for personal power and independence. Since your charisma and your charm are emphasized, you will have the opportunity to have your way across all departments of your life; this might be a problem, though, as far as romantic relationships go, since you may come across as needy or too overbearing. Control these urges and you will be fine. Your work department will also benefit from these good planetary influences and you may feel reinvigorated to deal with business dealings, partnerships and associations. If you are looking for a job, this could an excellent time to get one; if you already have a job, this is an awesome time to gain a promotion or to be recognized. "With power comes responsibility", so don't push your luck: if you misuse these qualities, you will regret it later, both in the professional and in the personal relationship.

Decan 3 (born June 12th to 20th): The ruler of your decan - Uranus - became retrograde last month (on the 13th) and this trend will continue on for some months. This means that your personal life, your family interactions and even your financial aspects are all under review. Instead of taking rash measures, you need to think things thoroughly and patiently, putting others in first and you only later. The good thing is that, overall, 2012 will be a great year for your decan, especially in the social and romantic department; notwithstanding, don't expect any long-term commitments, since this is the time for meaningful but uncommitted love. This is particularly true because your 7th house (Love and Relationships) is highlighted, adding some charisma to your already great vibe. From the 11th to the 17th, be careful about operating machines or using technology, because Neptune might be causing some issues. At the end of the month, as the Sun enters Virgo, your attention will be dedicated to work and career issues.

Horoscope for August 2012 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for August 2012