Horoscope for August 2012 for Aquarius

Horoscope for August 2012 Aquarius Decan 1 (born Jan 20th to 30th): The ruler of your decan and your sign in general - Uranus - was been retrograde since July 13th and this tendency will continue on for quite some time. This means that your personal life, particularly your domestic relationships and even some financial matters will appear to be on hold. You are usually quite cool and calm and now you need to bring these traits to the foreground. The good thing is that, overall, 2012 will be an awesome period for your decan (and sign), especially regarding your social and romantic interactions; nevertheless, any long-term commitments are not in the cards, since you will be feeling quite aloft and uneasy about long-term commitments. This is predominantly even more real because your 7th house (Love and Relationships) is emphasized, adding some charm to your already great vibration. From the 11th to the 17th, Neptune may be causing some problems, so be vigilant. Later on the month, when the Sun enters Virgo, the focus will be on work and career matters.

Decan 2 (born Jan 31st to Feb 9th): During July 2012, your communication skills became quite strong, since your 3rd house was highlighted; nevertheless, since Mercury was in a retrograde position, you some glitches were bound to appear. From the 8th onwards, Mercury becomes direct and you will be able to breathe freely once again. Nevertheless, the hindrances may appear later on the month, since the Sun will be opposing Neptune from the 22nd to the 25th: weigh your words prudently and be cautious about assuming long-term obligations (agreements, partnerships, etc.). During the last part of the month, the planets begin shifting their position, emphasizing your relationships, since your focus will be the people around you. The presence of Venus in your decan will allow you to fully be dedicated to your personal relationships, while some interesting financial gains may also appear.

Decan 3 (born Feb 10th to 18th): Last month, more precisely on the 4th, Mars entered your decan; and this month, more precisely on the 8th, Venus will be circling the heavens and changing position. So August 2012 will certainly be a sequence of events towards personal power and individuality, just your thing! Since your personality and your appeal are underlined, you will have the chance to get your way with the people around you; nevertheless, this could cause some problems, especially in the romantic department, since you could have a tendency to impose your will unto others. Control these impulses and you won't have any problems. Regarding your professional life, the good planetary influences will also lend a helping hand and you may feel revived to deal with business problems and partnerships. If you are currently unemployed, this could be an excellent time to send out some CVs and go to job interviews; if you already have a job, it's time to move forward and to get a promotion. Do keep your charisma under control and don't push people around.

Horoscope for August 2012 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for August 2012